Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department announcement. Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department is investigating the first probable case of monkeypox in Pierce County. A man in his 30s tested positive for Orthopoxvirus on Saturday. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will work to confirm he has the monkeypox virus. The patient was not hospitalized and is recovering […]
Pierce County
It’s cold
Pierce County Executive, Bruce Dammeier announcement. At the start of a recent meeting, each participant was asked “What is one of your favorite summer activities?” I told the group one of my favorites is hearing my granddaughters squeal with delight when riding on a tube being pulled behind our boat! Even at their young age, […]
Statewide Flag Lowering for former Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe
Washington Office of the Governor press release. Pursuant to the attached Presidential Proclamation, Governor Inslee hereby directs that Washington State and United States flags at all state agency facilities remain lowered to half-staff, in honor and remembrance of former Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe. Flags should remain at half-staff until close of business or sunset on Sunday, […]
Carts for Kids – Purchase a recycling can today
MultiCare announcement. We all know that recycling is good for the environment, but did you know that it could also be good for your local children’s hospital? Waste Connections is the premier provider of solid waste collection, transfer, recycling and disposal services across the US and Canada. Locally, they’re known as Murrey’s Disposal and LeMay Pierce County Refuse. The […]
Take Transit to Trails
Pierce Transit announcement. When it’s time to go hiking, biking or playing outside, consider riding Pierce Transit! Pierce Transit buses can take you to within a quarter mile of many popular trails in Pierce County. On Saturday, July 30, you can visit local parks and participate in family friendly activities for free on the annual Pierce County Trails Day […]
Pierce County COVID-19 data update: Vaccinations
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department announcement. Today we added more COVID-19 vaccine events with doses for kids as young as 6 months old to our listings. Since vaccines for younger children became available on June 22, we’ve administered nearly 1,000 of these doses to Pierce County kids! Find yours today at tpchd.org/vaxtothefuture. You can also contact your […]
Pierce Transit July 11 Board Meeting Agenda
The Pierce Transit Board will meet on July 11 remotely at 4 pm. Read the meeting agenda and participation instructions here.
WSDOT seeks input from public, planning community to pave the future of electric vehicle infrastructure
Washington State Department of Transportation press release. The Washington State Department of Transportation would love to hear your thoughts on the proposed plan for electric vehicles in the state, including the location of future charging stations. WSDOT is developing a statewide electric vehicle infrastructure plan by Aug. 1, 2022, to unlock federal National Electric Vehicle […]
Pierce County COVID-19 data update: Outbreaks in businesses and care facilities
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department announcement. The number of COVID-19 outbreaks this week was about the same as we saw last week. The number of cases in those outbreaks increased slightly. You can help stop outbreaks. If you feel sick, stay home, get tested and use CDC’s quarantine and isolation tool to see the next steps you should […]