Washington State Department of Transportation press release.
The Washington State Department of Transportation would love to hear your thoughts on the proposed plan for electric vehicles in the state, including the location of future charging stations.
WSDOT is developing a statewide electric vehicle infrastructure plan by Aug. 1, 2022, to unlock federal National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program funds. Once the Federal Highway Administration approves the new Washington State Plan for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment in fall 2022, WSDOT could receive $71 million to act on the plan. The main purpose of the plan is to build out alternative fuel corridors in a way that links electric vehicle fast charging stations every 50 miles on major highways and within one mile of exit ramps.
People can add their picks for charging station locations by visiting the interactive map and can give their input through this online survey. WSDOT is seeking feedback from the wider community on the Washington State Plan for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment.
To meet the August deadline, comments and questions should be submitted by email to Partnerships@wsdot.wa.gov by July 15, 2022.