Do you read your voter’s guide? I do, and in the past I have presented my reasons for endorsing certain candidates. This primary season I want to express only one perspective. Let me start by pointing out that some candidates shared they had never held elected office before and yet chose to leave their education […]
Letter: The cat is out of the bag
Submitted by John Arbeeny. The cat is out of the bag… NEA and local teachers unions do a reversal on their denial of CRT. “Oh no! Our equity policy isn’t CRT!” Oh yes it is and we’ve known it was since the start. Protestations to the contrary by current Clover Park School District incumbent Board […]
Letter: Racism as a career option
Submitted by John Arbeeny. Critical Race Theory (CRT) and white supremacy are essentially the same thing… racism, only the color is changed. Reminds me of the quote attributed to John Kenneth Galbraith (economist): “Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it’s just the opposite.” Racism exploits regardless of the skin color of the exploiter or […]
Letter: ‘The commitment I bring to doorbelling, is the commitment I will bring to the school board’
As of the submission date of this article for publication, I have personally been on the doorsteps of 1,038 homes in Lakewood, pursuing elected office to serve on the Clover Park School Board. Thanks to the help of others, we will have reached 5,000 homes by the date of the Primary Election, August 3. My […]
Racism and the Clover Park School District
Submitted by Pad Finnigan. The Clover Park School Board concluded its two-evening 2021 board retreat Tuesday night after reviewing the results of five months of staff work. The work product is called the final draft of its Equity Policy. The policy draft is supposed to be voted on by the board on Sept. 13. What’s […]
Letter: We Are Failing Our Children
Submitted by Dr. C.A. Carey. We have allowed extraneous, non-relevant school ‘curricula creep’ resulting in our falling state, national and international education rankings for the last three decades. New international results, for example, show China ranking #1, with countries like Poland and Estonia ranking higher than the U.S. which ranks #21. Without even considering the […]
Letter: Tacoma Camping
I read an article online recently about how downtown Tacoma has become the desired place to live, for Millennials, in the South Sound. Compared to when I was a kid, when Tacoma was boarded up and empty, it has made a huge and very positive turnaround. Tacoma seemed to begin its turnaround when the train […]
Letter: Seeing you not hearing you
Submitted by John Arbeeny. I attended the Clover Park School District meeting on 15 June 2021 where there were several public speakers who addressed the District’s “equity journey”, critical race theory and academic performance. Each speaker was limited to 3 minutes which was barely enough time to get their points across unless you can speak […]
Letter: Painting My Front Door
Submitted by Aaron Arkin. For 24 years, the front door to my little house has been white: much like many of the other front doors around town. But in my strolls through the neighborhood, I began to notice other front door colors, and how they seemed to enhance a home’s presentation from the street. Thus […]