Part of Lakewood’s $55,503 grant to treat problem gamblers was used to buy one or more Sea-Doo’s to patrol Lake Steilacoom. Public Disclosure Request (PDR) documents [(2012-2013) and (2013-2014)] recently obtained from the City of Lakewood reveal this and other less-than-admirable outcomes of a unanimous vote by the Lakewood City Council on August 6, 2012 […]
‘Gateway to Heaven’ dedication to honor Fr. Hightower
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to step through the Gateway to Heaven? On November 22 you’ll get your chance to do that at the dedication of the new Father Hightower Memorial Gateway in the lovely Meditation Park at St John Bosco Church in Lakewood.
This memorial honors SJB’s greatly loved and charismatic pastor who died in 2013. It was built after at the inspiration of then Parish Vicar Father Paul Kenai who approached Parishioner Jim Senko around whose vision the 1.3 acre meditation park is built.
Westside Story – Election Reflection
November 4, 2014, Election Day, has come and gone.
I remember middle school elections of the 1950s. Candidates made posters. Candidates made “Vote for me” paper badges for their supporters. Little effort was expended determining which candidates were most qualified. It was a silly juvenile popularity contest based on superficial issues such as who had the best posters.
As I reflect on elections in my adult life, it appears to me that not much has changed. Today’s elections are still much like middle school; silly and juvenile.
Letter: Getting a Handle on Toilets and Governments
The City of Lakewood has responded to our long-standing complaint about traffic in Tillicum. I’ll get back to that in a minute.
The genius of government – even genie of government – is that the “guiding spirit” (genius) and the genie (the one exiting the lamp) both serve the one calling it forth.
Westside Story – Infomercial #2
Being retired is great, but living on a fixed income can be challenging. To combat the downside, I have established a brand new business called Boyle Innovative Products or B. I. P. My business plan includes designing and selling ingenious products you will not find in your local brick and mortar stores.
Westside Story – I Have To Hand It To Him
I just found a new reason to be happy to be a resident of Washington State. We enforce our seatbelt laws. The same cannot be said for our first state, Delaware.
My photo tells the story.
Westside Story – Roadway Catapult
With over two decades in law enforcement, I have investigated plenty of cases involving unnecessary injury and death to innocent victims. While it is true I am retired, I can still spot potential trouble from a mile away.
Check this guy out. He loaded a heavy water heater onto the trunk deck of his car and then with some flimsy cord and a single bungee cord, tied the load down by running the line through his open back windows. Down the road he goes.
Westside Story – Old Paint Cans
In the 1950s when I was a 12 year old kid, I used to go to the dump with my dad in his 1936 Chevy pickup truck. As soon as we left the highway, he let me drive the old truck around the dump. That is right; no high school driver’s training for me.
We had the entire truck-bed loaded with trash, garbage and junk. By the way, we called this magic place the dump, not some fancy name like Recycling Center, Recovery Site or Landfill. If you had something you wanted to get rid of, you hauled it to the smelly dump, fought through the army of flies and pushed it out of the truck, with no questions asked. There were no rules to complicate life.
Westside Story – Infomercial
Being retired is great, but living on a fixed income can be challenging. To combat the downside, I am establishing a brand new business called Boyle Innovative Products. My business plan includes designing and selling ingenious products you will not find in your local brick and mortar stores.