Lakewood City Council has a noteworthy arrangement in terms of its public outreach. The City has nearly a dozen Advisory Boards. On alternating Mondays the Council often meets with those Boards in a Joint Study session.
Westside Story – Who Pick, You Pick
What should we talk about today? How about… Lakewood City Council’s Rental Inspection Program (RIP)? Homing pigeons? The size and impact of Joe Boyle’s carbon footprint?
Letter: City election a referendum on Rental Inspection
With the first day of Summer this past June 21 ushering in a heat wave of stifling, muggy temperatures across the country, there’s a sweltering of another kind nationwide that has citizens rather steamed.
Westside Story – Incongruity
I love walking around the planet because you never know what you are going to run into and as you know, I am always looking for the funny.
Westside Story – The Fog Has Not Lifted
On August 1, 2016, Lakewood City Council sent a clear message to all renters living in Lakewood by voting for the Rental Housing Safety Program. known as the R.I.P. Essentially the message from Lakewood City Council was, Lakewood renters do not possess enough brain power, energy or courage to manage their own rental housing SAFETY […]
Westside Story – A Sign of the Times
My photo depicts a message worth sharing. How nice it would be if everyone saw the sign and then did their very best to promote the “Imagine Peace” concept.
Westside Story – Anthem Coffee Shop
Recently I wrote an article titled Westside Story – Coffee Shop Challenge. If you are interested in winning a coveted prize in the Coffee Shop Challenge, click my link for details. One of my favorite coffee shop chains is Anthem Coffee & Tea. The chain is not at all like Starbucks with 21,000 plus stores […]
Westside Story – Kids Copy Parents
Today, a bicycle rider is supposed to wear a bike helmet. Everyone knows that. When I was age 6 – 16, my pal, Biff, and I rode our bikes every day without a helmet. Yes, we fell off, but were lucky and never suffered a brain injury. At least I do not think we suffered […]
Westside Story – Suicide
The year was 1950. I was a seven-year-old first grader when I experienced my first suicide. A 6-year-old female classmate’s father rented a motel room near our grade school and killed himself.