We were told in this current shortened legislative session that bills were a premium and thus our appeal for a review – if not repeal – of rental inspection programs was not going to happen.
Westside Story – $15,000,000
On January 15, 2018, The Suburban Times shared an article published by the Tacoma News Tribune titled, TNT: Judge upholds verdict against Lakewood in shooting of unarmed man. The court ruling has to do with a May 23, 2013, officer-involved shooting (OIS) incident in Fife, Washington and the Pierce County Metro SWAT Team led by […]
Westside Story – WOT WOT WOT
Have you noticed the acronym, WOT, is often attached to my articles in the public comment section? Several thoughtful and intelligent readers asked, “What is the true meaning of WOT?”
Letter: Follow this train of thought
Lakewood Mayor Don Anderson and the City Council want Amtrak high-speed trains permanently suspended from running through the heart of the city. To that end they have written a letter.
Letter: Failed rental Inspections – done in by the director
Tacoma Housing Authority (THA) rental inspection criteria are not good enough for the City of Lakewood.
Westside Story – Charlie Albright is Piano Hero
On November 17, 2017, The Suburban Times published an article written by Andrew Buelow, Executive Director of Symphony Tacoma, titled,Symphony Tacoma guest pianist cancels due to illness; Centralia native Charlie Albright steps in at the 11th hour.If you have time, check out Mr. Buelow’s article.
Letter: Marijuana and Lakewood’s Promise
Marijuana is a serious problem say youth in the 8th and 10th grades of the Clover Park School District according to survey results to be presented to the Lakewood City Council at its January 8, 2018 study session (p.024). More of a serious problem that alcohol (43.2 percent), or tobacco (51.4 percent), marijuana is judged […]
Sit, Knit, and Listen to a Yarn of Romance
“Could we start with the next one right now?” This request at the end of last year’s reading cycle that local author Susanne Bacon performed on her Wycliff romance “Delicate Dreams” at The Sock Peddlers LLC in Lakewood kicked off another cycle of reading another Wycliff romance. It will start on January 18 at 6 […]
Opinion: Marijuana locally should be banned
As Lakewood’s (Washington) Planning Commission reviews early in this new year possible locations for retail marijuana (MJ) businesses in the city, here following in this first installment of a series are reasons why ‘turning over a new (marijuana) leaf’ – an idiom normally associated with a change for the better – is a New Year’s […]