The monthly meeting of the Tillicum/Woodbrook Community that had been scheduled for Thursday, May 7, has been cancelled by board decision. We hope to return to our regular first-Thursday-of-the-month meetings soon. Bill’s Boathouse on American Lake meanwhile will remain closed, even though fishing reopened across the state beginning May 5. Our family, which has owned […]
Westside Story – 8 Themes Part III
If you missed Westside Story – 8 Themes Part I or Westside Story – 8 Themes Part II, please click my LINKS for a second chance to catch up. THEME #7 – MORAL COMPASS At this point, with $200 cash stuffed into my bulging wallet, I faced an interesting dilemma. A total stranger, a Black […]
Westside Story – 8 Themes, Part II
If you missed Westside Story – 8 Themes Part I, please click my LINK and you will be taken back in time. THEME #5 – BLACK GENEROSITY IN THE MILD FORM While downloading my last WinCo Foods shopping cart into the back of the Nourish Pierce County Food Bank truck, a Black male approached and […]
Letter: A Coronavirus Fish (and golf) Story
For fear of being caught – not the fish, but himself – he didn’t invite his fishing buddy to go with him. Traffic was light but enough cars were on the road that his blended in with the rest. Chances of being stopped and having to explain where he was going were minimal. But even […]
Westside Story – 8 Themes Part I
THEME #1 – VOLUNTEERING: On January 13, 2020, Ben Sclair, published a Food Bank article in our community paper, The Suburban Times, titled, Volunteer Drivers Urgently Needed. While I have no time to volunteer, I decided to make time because becoming a volunteer Food Bank driver would be a perfect behind-the-scenes way for me to help hungry people. During my […]
Across the Fence: More than a Cathedral
The other day, on Easter Sunday, while I was sitting at home instead of in church listening to a service, I found myself reflecting which church in my life had featured as most important. Was it the one I went to Sunday school and was a shepherd kid in a nativity play? Was it the […]
Susanne Bacon Invites You to Wycliff Again
Forget the present, lean back in your favorite armchair, and escape into the cozy world of Wycliff, a quaint Victorian small-town on the shores of South Puget Sound, somewhere between Olympia and Seattle. Forget that it’s springtime – get your mind ready for Christmas. And dive into an exceptional situation – Wycliff is snowed in! […]
Westside Story – 30 Years of Disagreement
On April 19, 2020, Tillicum’s David Anderson published a letter titled Letter: Is coronavirus a reason for cannabis home delivery? In case you missed David’s letter, click my link, which provides background information helpful to readers before devouring the remainder of my writing below. The other day I could not help replying to Mr. Anderson’s […]
Letter: The Mayor is right, the Governor is wrong
KIRO 7 News Staff reported late afternoon April 20 that Lakewood’s mayor “admits he’s responsible for an online social media post criticizing enforcement of Washington’s statewide coronavirus shutdown and blaming Gov. Jay Inslee.” Good for Mayor Anderson. While apparently the entirety of Anderson’s claims cannot be considered as accurate, his charges alleging heavy-handedness – let […]