For those who support “the mass expropriation of property, mass shoplifting during a moment of upheaval or riot” you’ll be happy to know you have a fellow agitator in Vicky Osterweil who’s written a mayhem motivational manual of sorts which she titles “In Defense of Looting.” Natalie Escobar interviewed the czar of chaos upon the […]
Westside Story – Native Son Becomes Film Star
Today is a proud day in the life of my Westside Story readers. My friends predicted it would be a snowy day in August before I could ever hope to land a part in a movie. The next thing they knew, I was spotted in a film trailer. My full-length film, Lemonheads, has been selected […]
Letter: Could you live here?
Perhaps you’ve seen the invitation. You’d have to go without cable, phone, internet, electricity, water, and indoor plumbing. But, in my opinion, my gosh, I’m there in a heartbeat. Because here’s where you’d be, and the 10-inch band of wallpaper bordered in strips of cedar that circumscribe the walls in my purposefully designed rustic office […]
Westside Story – A Sign of The Time
This morning I thought I would write a fascinating column comparing Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Not long after beginning my first draft, I became acutely aware my readers already suffer from an overdose of daily news on this very topic. Having scrapped Joe and Donald, I am left to ponder, “What shall I write […]
Letter: A high-speed train through the heart
The Tacoma News Tribune Editorial Board, August 27, suggests Sound Transit representatives – who met with the Lakewood City Council this week – want to “restore public confidence” in Amtrak before 79-mph trains are run (again) “through the heart” of Lakewood. “Restore public confidence.” “If they get their act together, they just might improve public […]
Letter: Black Lives Matter?
“A Colorado man was arrested after a stabbing in which the assailant called out ‘black lives matter’ before stabbing the victim, according to news reports.” The assailant was black. The victim was white and was stabbed while walking his dog. “The Marlins and Mets walk off the field in protest and leave a BLM shirt […]
Westside Story – A Sign of the Times
The world is changing and quickly too. As I get closer to my 80s, I can’t keep up. Have you noticed, phone booths are nowhere to be found. They have been replaced with itty bitty phones we can stuff in our pockets. Everyone, wanting to be different, is becoming more the same as they race […]
Letter: Our common humanity
From crossing the border into Tijuana, to threading the active barricades that serve as the checkpoint boundary of a U.S. military installation, what we learned. No sé dónde está el baño. It was the one phrase I knew but an important one. And the young man understood, smiled, and pointed. Thankfully. On the hot, dusty […]
Westside Story – Safe Driving Tips
It has been my life long dream to become a best selling author with my name prominently listed on The New York Times Best Sellers List. While I have not yet achieved my lofty goal, mainly because unlike my author friend, Susanne Bacon, I have never written a book, I do take great pride in […]