Delicately and quietly the tiny aerial acrobat drifted in the faint night breeze. At the far reach of its pendulum swing, the eight-legged insect attached a strand. Once done, it reeled the strand in to tighten it. Then the spider crept carefully back to the beginning of the web and began to spin yet another […]
I Hate Goodbyes
I hate goodbyes, especially when – as in the case of my middle school – those goodbyes are final. Students and staff from Woodbrook Middle School have joined those of Mann Middle School in the Clover Park School District newest school Dr. Claudia Thomas Middle School. Woodbrook Middle School is no more. One day soon […]
Across the Fence: Desert
What comes to your mind when you think “desert”? And no, American cheesecake, which I wrote about last week, is a dessert with a double “s”, stressed on the second syllable. Is it a specific place? Or a geographical concept? An experience of your own, maybe? My go-to online look-up place, Wikipedia, gives a pretty […]
Bacon’s Double Take – Sky
You may have realized that my other half of the Double Touble, cherished columnist and friend Joe Boyle, and I decided on a short summer break recently, but now we are back with more takes on shared topics, which we call Double Take. Joe actually inspired us both with some photos of skies shortly after […]
Boyle’s Double Take – Sky
Recently as I looked into the sky,I said to myself, oh my, oh my. I could not see a cloud because of all the smoke.And that is no joke. As I saw the flames licking after Oregon brush,I felt a kind of panicky rush. Our air quality recently zoomed through the roof.It seems fire can […]
Westside Story – 3 Heroes
I promise, if you read enough Westside Story today, you will experience a fantastic tale. The story embedded below is titled, A Great Story. I am not bragging. To be honest, I did not write A Great Story. My original plan to write a different Westside Story was interrupted when Angelo Scalici emailed me a […]
Letter: So, is it true after all?
“We’re all just trash, waiting to be thrown away! That’s what all a toy is!” Lotso argues with Woody in Toy Story 3. “You were made to be thrown away. Ain’t one kid ever loved a toy, really.” We were in line this weekend at the City of Lakewood’s wonderful Community Cleanup program. In partnership […]
Across the Fence: American Cheesecake
Recently, a Facebook friend of mine posted a marvelous photo of a slice of cheesecake that literally made me drool. Me, who is known not to be into sweet things really! So, I asked her for the recipe. Only to be utterly surprised. But I’ll return to this later. You wouldn’t believe how old the […]
Westside Story – Piano Playing
How many play the piano? If you say, “Yes, I play the piano.”; I am jealous. If you play Blues piano, I am beside myself. I have always wanted to play the Blues piano. If I live to be age 100, then I have frittered away over three quarters of my life, and I still […]