Submitted by Rebecca Weisenhaus. Sadly, Clover Park High School’s mascot may soon be retired despite widespread community push back. The name change of their mascot has been a hot button issue for many people in our community, particularly alumni. The name “Warriors” will no longer be chanted. Being that we live in such a heavily […]
CPSD Promising Future: Hannah Pulido
A Clover Park School District story. Our Promising Futures featured student this week is Harrison Preparatory School senior Hannah Pulido. She enjoys studying history and said she is currently getting a lot out of her cultural studies class. “I think it’s fun because you get to learn about different perspectives of other people and their […]
The Lakewood City Council Dec. 20 Meeting Agenda
The Lakewood City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on Dec. 20 (7 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
Prepare in a Year: December
West Pierce Fire & Rescue announcement. West Pierce Fire & Rescue is dedicated to ensuring the community is prepared in the event of a disaster. During major disasters, such as an earthquake, firefighters may be delayed in their response to 9-1-1 calls and the community will need to rely on each other to assist until […]
New bridge near Kobayashi Park gets statewide notice
The Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office has noticed, and congratulated all involved for “completing the first phase of the Chamber Creek Canyon Trail project.” See following Tweet for more info.
LIT presents Production Camps, Technique Classes, and Mini Camps
Lakewood Institute of Theatre (LIT) announcement. The LAKEWOOD INSTITUTE OF THEATRE (LIT), re-opened to public performances and developmental instruction, opens its Winter Quarter with: Winter Mini-Break Camps, After-School Production Camps, Preparing the Actor Classes, and Online Technique Classes. LIT Instructor, Abigail Shedd will teach 2 Winter Musical Theatre Workshops. The first will be for 1st – 12th graders. Students […]
Lakewood City Manager’s Weekly Bulletin: Dec. 17, 2021
Happy Holidays from the City of Lakewood Lakewood’s Holiday Drive-Thru Light Parade was celebrated last weekend. Volunteers from local businesses and organizations built festive light displays and nearly 900 cars full of families enjoyed the event. The extraordinary turnout created a long line, but we hope that you left the event filled with holiday cheer. […]
Across the Fence: The Art of Speaking One’s Mind
Some of you may remember this year’s first article in this column. It was about Stefanie Skupin from Tonasket, WA, a former veterinarian who created herself a niche as a communicator and facilitator in her company, The Leaders Work, which offers tools that increase self-awareness and reduce stress. And she explained that 80 percent of […]
In the Garden of Sonder : A Music from Home feature film is almost here!
Submitted by Lakewold Gardens. Music from Home resumes its virtual offerings with In the Garden of Sonder. The film stars soprano Ibidunni Ojikutu dramatizing Moments in Sonder (2017), a song cycle by Dr. B.E. Boykin which is set to poetry by Dr. Maya Angelou. With the musical support of pianist Jessica Evotia Andrews-Hall and harpist […]