A Clover Park School District story. Our CPSD Staff Spotlight this week features Harrison Preparatory School English teacher Gelisa Williams. This is her sixth year at the school after moving to the Lakewood area from Georgia. Originally planning to attend law school while in college at Louisiana State University, she joined Teach for America following […]
North Lakewood Neighborhood Association
Submitted by Patrick Juhasz. If you live or work in the North Lakewood area (north of Steilacoom Blvd and west of South Tacoma Way) please join us for our next regular meeting! We are a group of citizens that work hard to make our community the best it possibly can be. There are no fees […]
Grant Requests Now Open
Lakewood Community Foundation Fund announcement. The Lakewood Community Foundation Fund is requesting grant applications. Endowed money available for grants this year is $34,900. The deadline for receipt is April 6, 2022. Be advised that grants are only made to qualified 501(c)3 organizations with principal benefits to the citizens of Lakewood. Application forms are available online at: www.lakewoodfoundation.com […]
Letter: Lakewood Potholes
On January 9th the City of Lakewood posted an update on the Gravelly Lake Dr. construction. On January 10th I commented on how other roads have been negatively effected. Well today, Monday January 17th 2022 I would like to start a timer to see how long it takes the City to fill the potholes along […]
LRW to discuss Redistricting
Lakewood Republican Women announcement. Do you fully understand the Pierce County Redistricting and how it impacts your district? Join the Lakewood Republican Women on January 22, 2022 (11:30 a.m.) at the Ram Restaurant in Lakewood (10019 59th Avenue SW, Lakewood, Washington 98499). To hear more about the process, please welcome Doug Richardson and Sharon Hanek, […]
The Lakewood City Council January 18 Meeting Agenda
The Lakewood City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on January 18 (7 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
Lakewood’s Washington Blvd much smoother
City of Lakewood announcement. Washington Boulevard is much smoother sailing today. Our maintenance staff will visit Nyanza, Interlaaken, and 112th over the next few days. Keep reporting potholes to MyLakewood311 – we appreciate it!
CPSD Promising Future: Joseph Slate
A Clover Park School District story. Our Promising Futures featured student this week is Thomas Middle School eighth grader Joseph Slate. Joseph is an easy-going student who enjoys spending time with his friends, playing video games and camping. “I love camping and hanging out with friends in my boy scout troop. I’m thinking of sticking […]
Observations and commentary on the Jan. 10 Clover Park School Board Meeting
Submitted by John Arbeeny. I attended the 10 January 2022 Clover Park School District (CPSD) Board meeting which was conducted both “virtually” and in person which was the right thing to do and a pleasant surprise. However we are still awaiting the minutes for the 13 December 2021 which will not be forthcoming before the […]