As a community member and citizen correspondent, I feel a responsibility to ask questions when something doesn’t work that seems like it should. However… By that same measure, I should also express when something works out well. The Public Safety update held Thursday, March 24, fulfilled a number of functions. Yes, it addressed safety and […]
Lakewood City Manager March 25 Info Bulletin
Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) March 25 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
Across the Fence: Symphonic Poetry
Submitted by Susanne Bacon. The first time I was ever aware that there are such things as topical programs to orchestral music, I was in fifth grade. Our music teacher told us just to listen and try to figure what we were listening to. I was bewitched by the piece, and though I can’t remember […]
Still time to register for March 30 Champions for Youth Breakfast
Communities In Schools of Lakewood announcement. We have one week left before Lakewood’s Champions for Youth Breakfast. Our students and team have been working hard to share their stories with you! On Wednesday, March 30 at 8am we will gather virtually on Zoom with the Lakewood community to hear student stories, recognize scholarship winners, and surround […]
CPSD Promising Future: Thais Williams
A Clover Park School District story. Our Promising Futures featured student this week is Idlewild Elementary School first grader Thais Williams. Thais loves a challenge. She looks forward to helping her fellow students and participating in class. She likes all the topics they’ve covered in class, but science and math are her absolute favorite. “I […]
Letter: CPSD discipline policy. A recipe for chaos.
Submitted by John Arbeeny. “There are none so blind as those who will not see,” Jonathan Swift, 1738. I reviewed the 14 March 2022 Clover Park School District (CPSD) Board regular meeting and came away with observations on the most significant issue: District discipline policy. Agenda Item 22-102, Adoption of Policies, Policy 3241 “Student Discipline” […]
Lakewood United Board Meeting March 24
Lakewood United will hold a General Board meeting for Thursday, March 24, 2022 (5:00-5:30 pm) at the Lakewood Chamber of Commerce (6310 Mt Tacoma Dr SW, Lakewood, WA 98499). The meeting will be both in person and in zoom format. Email if you want to Zoom into the meeting. Lakewood United meeting will be […]
Lakewood City Councilmember Don Anderson Elected to Board of Association of Defense Communities
City of Lakewood announcement. Anderson’s election is additional evidence of his and the City’s support for military families Lakewood City Councilmember Don Anderson has been elected to the board of the Association of Defense Communities (ADC). Military families depend on their communities for quality housing, schooling, health care, and other services, and ADC works to […]
Applicants Sought for Planning Commission Term Through June 2025
City of Tacoma announcement. The Tacoma City Council is currently seeking applicants to fill three positions on the Planning Commission: the Architecture, Historic Preservation, and/or Urban Design position; the District No. 4 position; and the Environmental Community position. Applicants seeking a district position must reside in that district. Appointees will serve a three-year term from […]