Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) February 21 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
Helping Small Businesses Succeed: Free Seminar Connects Entrepreneurs with State Resources
Submitted by Lakewood Chamber of Commerce. “We’re from the government, and we’re here to help.” It’s a phrase that often raises eyebrows—but this time, it’s an invitation. The Small Business Liaison Team with the State of Washington is partnering with the Lakewood Chamber of Commerce to provide real, practical assistance to small business owners and […]
Let’s Talk! – A Damsel Not in Distress
Are you ready to switch off your screens and ponder or discuss another writing/conversation prompt during dinner tonight? You want to know about my thoughts on it? Here’s my take: We all know the archetype of a damsel in distress, don’t we? We grow up with stories stuffed with them. Basically, all fairy-tale princesses in […]
Meriwether Elementary: A Rare Clover Park School District Academic Success since 2017.
Submitted by John Arbeeny. Lakewood CARES is providing an academic-based response to schools highlighted in the Clover Park School District (CPSD) “#SuperSchoolShoutOut“articles in The Suburban Times. This is data you will not find elsewhere in CPSD community relations pieces, School Board meeting agendas or monthly “Inside Schools”. This week’s CPSD “beaming with pride” article covers […]
The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Valley Cities Selected as Blue Star Families Outpost
Submitted by The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Valley Cities. The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Valley Cities is proud to announce its selection as a Blue Star Families Outpost. This partnership will enhance our ability to support military families in Lakewood, the Tacoma region and throughout the state of Washington […]
CPSD Learning With Superintendent Banner – Episode #2
Get your thinking caps on for the continuation of our video series, Learning With Superintendent Banner, where the superintendent meets with CPSD students to learn about their interests and plans for the future. In the second video of this series, “Episode #2: The Road to Graduation,” Banner met with Dower Elementary School and Hudtloff Middle School students […]
Across the Fence: Schlieren
If you have ever been dealing with glass, you might know this Germanism in the English language: Schlieren (pronounce: ‘shlee-ran, meaning streaking). Interestingly, the English language only knows of the Germanism as of an inconsistency in a transparent material, so-called inhomogeneities. A Schliere in a glass breaks the light in a different way. There is […]
Letter: Observe Well the Birds
Along the shore they were gathered, and, as we slowly approached, they waded into the water, wondering perhaps at our intentions. With perhaps a wary eye, they paddled away then, one flapping its wings furiously in takeoff, the others gathering speed on the water, disturbing its surface in the early morning stillness, creating rivulets in […]
Time is Running Out! Apply for the Be the Spark Scholarship by February 27
Submitted by Sarah LaBrusca, Lakeview Light & Power. If you’re a student with dreams of furthering your education and want some help funding it, this is your chance. The Be the Spark Scholarship deadline is almost here- applications are due by February 27. Lakeview Light & Power is awarding three $3,000 scholarship to students who […]