The public is invited to join Lakewood United on Thursday, August 17, 2023 at 6:00pm Pierce College, Fort Steilacoom Campus, Olympic Bldg., Room 102 Guest Speakers: Grant Twyman and Amari Davis Grant Twyman is an established community leader and organizational manager. As the Director of Equity and Community Engagement in the Clover Park School District, Grant […]
Across the Fence: Leitmotif
For the first time, I came across the German term “Leitmotiv” (spelled with a “v”, pronounced ‘light-mo-teef, meaning leading theme) in music when I was in fifth grade, my very first year in grammar school. We had a music teacher who was simply amazing when it came to explaining the difference between rhythm and meter […]
CPHS Leaders in Change Summer Program
CPHS students participated in the Leaders of Change program over the summer with our district partner Communities in Schools. They gave impassioned and thought-provoking presentations about ways they can improve their school community.
West Pierce Connected CARE Manager Awarded as Health Care Hero
In February 2022, West Pierce Fire & Rescue implemented the Connected Community Access, Referral and Education (CARE) program. This program was created to empower residents of WPFR to manage their healthcare, mental health and social needs by assisting them with access to the proper community resources, which helps to eliminate the over-utilization of the 9-1-1 […]
Letter: The Two Guests
As purposeful as weeping is to the one grieving the loss of a loved one, so needful are the thorns on the rose blooming in the garden. Introspection for the sufferer, protection for the flower. “It takes all sorts of weathers to make a year, and all tend to the same issue, of ripened harvests […]
July 2023 Alarm Summary
In July 2023, West Pierce Fire & Rescue responded to 1,581 calls for service, which was an average of 51 calls per day. Of those, the busiest were July 3-5, resulting in 219 total 9-1-1 responses. As the weather stays warm, please pay close attention to dry vegetation. It does not take much for fires […]
Letter: The Far Side, Part II
My wife and I stood at the trailhead where I reminisced about the hike my dad and I had taken over a half-century before. As I reflect now upon the loss of my wife to cancer after 50 wonderful years together, I think how walking that trail with my dad was so like our married […]
Lakes High School (Class of 1983) 40th Reunion
Submitted by Doug Wilson. The Lakes High School class of 1983 will gather to celebrate a 40th reunion on Saturday, August 19th, 2023. Alumni and guests will gather and reminisce from 6-10pm at the Tacoma Golf and Country Club, 13204 Country Club Drive Southwest Lakewood, WA 98498. To register for the event, go to the Eventbrite […]
Lakewood Community Collaboration Meeting set for August 9
This Wednesday’s Collaboration meeting will be hosted by our partners at Multicultural Child and Family Hope Center. Meeting details are as follows:Date: Wednesday, August 9thTime: 9-10:30amAddress: 2021 S 19th St. Tacoma 98405Phone: 253-593-6641Shannon Bennett Cell: 253-888-3568 Members wishing to join us virtually may do so via the following Zoom link:Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 897 […]