The setting of the story entitled “The Secret Garden” where the narrative unfolds, centers around a private-walled, bramble-invested, weed-overgrown, unkempt- and long-unattended theater of sorts where once roses took center stage. Following the death of Archibald Craven’s wife – who tended the garden – the sorrowing, grieving husband locked the garden gate, buried the key, […]
The Lakewood City Council Nov. 27 Meeting Agenda
The Lakewood City Council will hold a Study Session on Nov. 27 (7 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
South Puget Sound Urban Wildlife Interpretive Center short History
Submitted by Clover Park Rotary. The South Puget Sound Urban Wildlife Interpretive Center is a 90 acre parcel of land located in the City of Lakewood. In 1852 Adam Byrd, a pioneer from Wisconsin, arrived in the Steilacoom area by way of the Oregon Trail. A homestead claim of 318.2 acres was granted to Adam […]
Washington Boulevard is open
After more than two years of phased closures, Washington Boulevard reopened to traffic Wednesday afternoon. The re-opening signifies a major milestone in the $23 million project. No more significant road closures are expected, however intermittent lane closures will occur as the project moves toward completion. The project is still a construction zone, so drivers are […]
Across the Fence: Gemütlichkeit
Who doesn’t know the Germanism Gemütlichkeit in the English language?! Gemüt (approximately pronounced ga-‘moot) has a bunch of meanings: mind, soul, disposition, feeling. You might recognize that the English term mood is related. Gemütlichkeit (approximately pronounced ga-‘mootlih-kite) means coziness, snugness, homeliness. The concept of Gemütlichkeit seems to have developed during the German era of Biedermeier […]
The Lakewood Jingle Bell 5K is back
The City of Lakewood and the Lakes Cross Country Boosters Club partnered to return the Jingle Bell 5k run/walk & 1-mile Kid’s Run to Fort Steilacoom Park. Join us for this family-friendly fun run on Saturday, Dec. 16, 2023. Strollers, well-behaved dogs on leashes and participants of all ages are welcome. Wear your best holiday outfit […]
Letter: When The World Leaves You Behind
Fifteen months into my service as school board director I lost my wife of 50 years to cancer, now just nine months ago today. And at a school board director’s conference this weekend I lost again. It is my hope that these two losses, added together, will equal a win for those who read what […]
Where to Recycle Eyeglasses
Submitted by Eric Warn. Looking to donate those eyeglasses you’ve had laying around the house for a long time? Look no further than the Lakewood First Lions Club, which has been collecting and recycling used eyeglasses since 1954. The used eyeglasses collected by the club (more than 7,000 in 2023) are processed and packaged by […]
Class Offerings at Lakewood YMCA Ideal for Senior Citizens Who Are Lonely
Submitted by Eric Warn. A recent US Surgeon General’s report says that one out of every two Americans are lonely. With that in mind, the Lakewood YMCA has come up with a number of classes for people to attend and find likeminded seniors who gather together to share laughs and become healthy. The Y’s chair […]