Only six-thirty, the old mantle clock read, but he was already tired. The half-hour chiming would, within mere minutes, stir him from his reverie. The man – his age reflected in greying temples and permanent laugh lines etched and pronounced, his eyes crinkling at the corners when he smiled – gazed up at an angle […]
Lakewood Playhouse Announces Circle 86 Donation and Member Program
To celebrate our 86th Season, we are giving you an opportunity to join CIRCLE 86. Simply donate $86 or more between now and April 21st for the following exclusive benefits: Click here to join Circle 86.
Residential living complex proposed for Lakewood Towne Center
The City of Lakewood recently received an application from Alliance Residential to redevelop 10.37 acres of the Lakewood Towne Center into a master planned residential apartment complex. The property where the redevelopment is proposed is privately owned by Kite Realty. The city is not involved with the project, except for its administrative role tied to […]
The 2nd Dr. Claudia Thomas Community Service Award Gala
Submitted by Mary Moss President/CEO Lakewood Multicultural Coalition. The Lakewood Multicultural Coalition (LMCC) invites you to attend the 2nd Dr. Claudia Thomas Community Service Award Gala. The date: March 15, 2024, 7:00 PM at Clover Park Technical College in the McGavick Conference Center. It is sure to be a festive evening with delicious cuisine, music […]
March Events – Lakewood Elks Lodge #2388
Submitted by Susan Berven. MARCH NEWSBLAST … Join us for a month of fun! You can attend without being a member, but you”ll soon see why The Lakewood Elks Lodge #2388 is the place to be. You will want to become a member!! Let’s start the month off “shopping for a great charitable cause”! Our […]
Letter: Go Gently
There’s an ancient proverb that flat out states, “The blessing of the Lord makes rich and he adds no sorrow to it” (Proverbs 10:22). At face value, that’s just flat out wrong. There is no such thing as blessing without brokenness. There isn’t. Life is not a fairy tale. We don’t live this life without […]
15th Annual Cops vs Teachers Charity Basketball/Silent Auction
Submitted by Baron Coleman. On behalf of the Lakes High School Skills USA Club and the Kiwanis of Clover Park we invite the public to our 15Th Annual Cops vs Teachers Charity Basketball Game/ Silent Auction Friday April 26th. Doors open at 5:30pm with Tip-Off 6:30pm. Cost is a donation only at the door with […]
The Lakewood City Council March 4 Meeting Agenda
The Lakewood City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on March 4 (7 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
Lakewood City Manager March 1 Info Bulletin
Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) March 1 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.