The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) awarded the City of Lakewood with its Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the city’s 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR). This marks the 10th consecutive year that the city received this national recognition. This award is the highest form of […]
God Keeps a Journal, Part III
I first wrote six years ago, March 13, on the subject of God’s musings in heaven as he looks down on earth, pondering. His hand holds a quill, recently dipped in the ink well nearby, and the writing instrument is poised above the journal he keeps. Upon what is he focused? What will he enter […]
News about your Lakewood Library
Dirt is moving and the foundation is being built for the interim Lakewood Pierce County Library! If you drive by the site at Gravelly Lake Drive SW and Alfaretta St. SW, you will see work underway nearly every weekday. Contractors are installing temporary measures to control erosion, clearing and grading the site, and installing utility lines. Workers are […]
City of Lakewood reflects on 2024 short legislative session
With the conclusion of the 2024 Washington Legislative Session last week, the Lakewood City Council extends its gratitude to legislators for their hard work and dedication to serving our community. Heading into the session, the Lakewood City Council met with local representatives to review city priorities. That included continued refinement to existing state law around […]
Letter: Why We Wander
Perhaps because we’re searching for something we’ve lost. Perhaps because we’re needing somebody we once had. Perhaps we don’t even know. We just go. To fill an irreplaceable heart-shaped hole. To climb alone, one foot in front of the other, resting along the way. And the tears? Innumerable. And the view? Incomparable. And the peace? […]
Letter: Progress. Isn’t there a creek down there?
Submitted by JoAnn Jackson. When I moved here, there was a large decorated cake outside the department store in the Villa Plaza, celebrating it’s seventh year of existence. I was told of the beginning and that there was a creek running under the south end of the property. Can someone tell me if it is […]
Lakewood City Manager March 15 Info Bulletin
Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) March 15 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
Pierce College announces the hiring of new Foundation Executive Director Jennifer Wolbrecht
Pierce College is proud to announce the hiring of Jennifer Wolbrecht as our new Executive Director of the Foundation. Wolbrecht is returning to Pierce College after serving as Director of Development from 2017-2019 and Executive Director from 2019-2020. Most recently, Wolbrecht led an Advancement team of a non-profit organization that also functions as a retreat […]
Lakewood Playhouse is looking for volunteer ushers
Help us build community through theatre AND get free tickets to our upcoming production of the hilarious Incorruptible! Click here to sign up.