Within the heart-shaped hedges of Lullaby Land are the gravesites of infants and children. A flagstone path leads into the small, perfectly tended garden. At the very center of the heart is a stone figure of a cherub. Its wings are unfurled as if it has just arrived and perched on its pedestal; its finger […]
Restaurant Rally: Exquisite Thai grilled pork & the area’s best schnitzel
Today, I’m featuring Chili Thai and Citron European Restaurant, two outstanding restaurants you should visit for Pierce County’s Restaurant Rally. I’ll be writing about locally owned restaurants throughout the rally, which takes place Nov. 8-12 and Nov. 15-19 at about 300 participating restaurants all over Pierce County. (Friday and Saturday dining is excluded). Restaurants that […]
Sweet Rice, Tacoma’s first Laotian restaurant, now open
Two things a diner should do on a first visit to newly opened Tacoma Laotian restaurant Sweet Rice: Dip and pluck. Sweet Rice’s name nods to sweet sticky rice, a staple of Laotian cuisine. “In Thailand, the Thai eat a lot of their dishes with jasmine rice, but with us in Laos, our primary rice […]
Businesses serve and observe Veteran’s Day
The First Sergeant or Chapter Commander may not appreciate you, but these local businesses have gone above and beyond to serve YOU. Call to be sure the offer is available or possible stipulations. All offers Nov11 unless noted. Be prepared to show proof and pay for extras such as taxes (and tip!) Starbucks: free 12-oz […]
Tacoma’s El Borracho closes. No more $5 margaritas. But something else is planned
The Sixth Avenue taco and cocktail spot El Borracho has closed permanently, but co-owner Kittie Davidovich said that if all goes as planned, she and partner Adam Pomerleau will open something else in that space at 2711 Sixth Ave. in 2021. El Borracho closed earlier this week. “Sadly, it is true that we have closed […]
Catherine Place – an 'oasis for women'
Over the last two weeks I recorded comments over two days with eleven different women about Catherine Place. The comments were heartfelt and wonderful to hear. Several individual video recordings will be available soon via Youtube and the Catherine Place website. “Catherine Place provides hospitality, community, advocacy and education for women who desire support in […]
Across the Fence: A Musical Mission
The other day, I was invited to a Zoom house party by my friend, renowned TV and radio show host, author, and humorist Dorothy Wilhelm. It was there that I first met another Washington State icon who immediately impressed me, musician Linda Allen. She presented a video that made me even more curious about her […]
McDuff's Café at Highlands – Coffee Shop Review
“We are a community focused coffee shop, nestled on the Highlands Golf Course. Our vision is to have a local gathering spot for all of Tacoma to come and enjoy each other’s company in a warm cozy room, fireplace included.” – McDuff’s intro for their comfortable gathering place. It was pouring down when I arrived […]
Katie Downs Ruston Way Waterfront Restaurant Review
Peg and I were returning from an afternoon appointment to our Northend Tacoma home. We were both tired and not really interested in cooking dinner. A few days before, my friend Rick Allen asked where the nearest Ivar’s was. “On South Mildred across from TCC. They are a little pricey, though.” Rick didn’t care he […]