New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Roger Steven Pigue. Edwards Memorial Funerals Homes, Chapels and Crematories: Patrick Garrett Kirchner. Mountain View Funeral Home: Thomas K. “Butch” Bowdish; Barbara L Little Harris; Jeanette Sorenson. Hill Funeral Home: Adam E. Thiry.
Fort Steilacoom Park Will Not Be Renamed
A story from City of Lakewood. The Parks & Recreation Advisory Board voted unanimously last night to deny an application to rename Fort Steilacoom Park in honor of Dr. Claudia B. Thomas. The park will remain Fort Steilacoom Park. Residents may apply to rename Lakewood Parks & Facilities. When an application is completed, a public hearing is scheduled […]
University Place mourns the passing of former Mayor and Council Member Ken Grassi
A press release from City of University Place. The City of University Place lost one of its founding fathers this week when Council Member and former Mayor Ken Grassi passed away on Sept. 26. In addition to owning and operating the popular Grassi’s Ristorante on Bridgeport Way for many years, Grassi was one of the […]
Lakewood Water District message on utility moratorium expiration
The Governor’s utility moratorium will expire starting September 30, 2021. This means late fees and water disconnections will be reinstated beginning October 1, 2021. For Lakewood Water District customers who are currently past due with their water bill, this process will ensue unless a payment arrangement is in place or a payment is received by […]
Tacoma Mayor on City of Tacoma’s Utility Shut-off Moratorium
A press release from City of Tacoma. TACOMA, Wash. – “The State’s moratorium on utility shutoffs is scheduled to end on September 30, 2021. I know that this may raise concern for a number of families across Washington state and right here in Tacoma who are behind on their payments. Overall, you remain responsible for […]
Broadway Bound – Lakewood Playhouse Review
Broadway Bound is a dream . . . a goal for two brothers working to achieve stardom via writing their own jokes and sketches. “The final play of the Eugene Trilogy (Brighton Beach Memoirs, Biloxi Blues) Broadway Bound is the semi-autobiographical play closest to Neil Simon’s own life. Broadway Bound premiered on Oct. 6 1986 […]
Complete FAB Film Schedule with Show Times, Special Events and More
An announcement from Phil Raschke. The complete FAB 2021 Film Schedule is now available. Schedule lists all films, show times, special performances, movie talk back, prize drawings and more. Check it out, select your films and then make plans to attend. The 2021 Film, Art, Book (FAB) Festival will be held October 8, 9, 10 […]
City of Puyallup Celebrates Pierce during College Appreciation Week
A press release from Pierce College. The City of Puyallup is celebrating Pierce College’s contribution to the community during a special series of events during College Appreciation Week, taking place Oct. 2-8. Throughout the week, the college will host a variety of events showcasing our more than 30 years of service to the Puyallup community. […]
Letter: 14 stock Critical Race Theory (CRT) supporter deceptions and how to respond
Submitted by John Arbeeny. Below labeled #1 through #14 are the most common deceptive statements you will hear from Critical Race Theory (CRT) supporters to any challenge of their orthodoxy. You’ll hear their deceptions time and again as part of their narrative. They seek to deny, distort, distract, detract and disavow the very nature of […]