Rotary Club of University Place-Fircrest story. During August 2021, the Rotary Club of University Place-Fircrest conducted a peanut butter/food drive at the Green Firs Safeway to benefit Families Unlimited Network food bank. Thanks to the generosity of Safeway customers, the UP-Fircrest club collected 2,524 lbs. (110 lbs. per club member). This bested last year’s total of […]
New Report on Washington Women and Children’s Mental Health
Submitted by UnitedHealthcare of Washington. Even before the global pandemic, Washington women and children’s mental health has been a growing concern. A new report by the United Health Foundation, “America’s Health Rankings: 2021 Health of Women and Children” found that mental health distress in Washington women and children has grown exponentially since 2014. Also, the […]
Across the Fence: Freaky or Funny?
Submitted by Susanne Bacon. I must have been four or five when a small traveling circus came to our suburb in Germany. It set up its one-ring tent in a meadow next to one of our supermarkets, placed their wagons into the back, and handed out leaflets. When my mother took my little brother and […]
State Board to vote on 4 Bachelor of Applied Science degrees
Community and Technical Colleges press release. The Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges will meet for its regular business meeting Thursday, Oct. 21 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Board members are expected to vote on final approval of four Bachelor of Applied Science degrees: Clark College’s proposed Bachelor of Applied Science in Teacher Education Preschool […]
Letter: The inequity of “equity” as practiced in Clover Park School District: that’s “equity” in action
Submitted by John Arbeeny. The CPSD “equity policy” has been developed by a “stakeholders” group consisting of nearly 80% of CPSD employees and then approved by the Board. On paper it is supposed to somehow increase academic performance that is near the bottom 1/3 (35%) of Washington State school districts. The policy says a lot […]
Kilmer Urges Passage of Freedom to Vote Act
Office of Rep. Derek Kilmer press release. On Oct. 20, U.S. Representative Derek Kilmer (WA-06) urged the Senate to move forward with the Freedom to Vote Act. The legislation is a sweeping package of reform bills aimed at strengthening the voice of the American people in their democracy by making it easier to vote, ending the […]
ESD Monthly Employment Report: Strong hiring, payroll increases continue in September
Washington State Employment Security Department press release. Washington’s economy added 17,600 jobs in September. Between August and September, the preliminary seasonally adjusted monthly unemployment rate fell slightly to 4.9 percent. According to Labor Force Statistics Manager Jeff Robinson, “September’s job gains show a steady economic recovery consistent with our state’s ninth consecutive month of net payroll […]
Holiday Market with local vendors to be held Nov. 20
Pierce County press release. Support local small businesses and crafters at the 2021 Pierce County Parks Holiday Market at Frontier Park Lodge in Graham. Shoppers can avoid crowded stores and find something for everyone on their list at one of the many vendor selections at the one-day event on Nov. 20. The Holiday Market will […]
Pierce County COVID-19 data update confirmed October 21
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department press release. On Oct. 21, our 14-day case rate per 100,000 for Sept. 28-Oct. 11 is 484.2. The 14-day case rate offers the most reliable look at COVID-19 disease burden on Pierce County. Our hospitalization rate is currently 12.7 per 100,000. Today, we confirmed 344 COVID-19 cases and 9 new deaths: […]