“There’s no easy way to say this. It’s gone. It’s all gone.” The words of the fireman that early April morning could barely be heard above the roar of the flames, the sirens of fire trucks still arriving, the crackle of burning timbers as sparks rose high into the night sky. The fisherman statue that […]
To Ponder
Judy Dennison On Stage
Judy had a hard time as a child; her brothers were sports kids. Her mom and her dad had treated the boys like princes and Judy like a poor, confused, loser. While the boys and the parents were out at some ball game of how many god knows what exercises and runs around a track, […]
Letter: Was the Battle for Iwo Jima Really Necessary?
Submitted by Eric K Chandler. REFERENCE: Mr Gregory Alderete ’s REPLY to My Letter: First of all, Somalia Veteran Alderete, thank you for your service and…welcome home my friend…I’m glad you made it back, when far too many others did not. I am a veteran as well…I retired from the US Army as a Chief […]
Letter: Believing Falsehoods
Submitted by Aaron Arkin. James Madison, the fourth president of the United States, played a pivotal role in drafting and promoting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. He famously said “Education is the foundation of civil liberty.” He believed education would help people gain the knowledge and skills needed not only to be active […]
Across the Fence: Vorlage
Every once in a while, literature plays into Germanisms in the English language, such as the term Vorlage (pronounce: ‘for-laa-gah, meaning original model/template). In fact, there is the claim (and I think, rightfully so) that no author ever writes anything without including a Vorlage in one way or another. There are archetypes we use that […]
In the Book Nook with … Michael Magee
Author Michael Magee, a retired English teacher, artist, and playwright, lives in Tacoma, Washington. He has been writing for 60 years, starting when he was 20. His first book, Cinders of My Better Angels, was published in 2011 by MoonPath Press. Michael has been a member of the writers’ group Poet’s Table for about 20 […]
Letter: Just Around the Bend
We have it mounted on the wall of our home to remind us. We were on our way to church that morning and saw the rays of the sun piercing through from the heavens above, lingering wisps of clouds hovering over the river, the wider, calmer, deeper water giving way to the ripples of the […]
The Wayward Wind
A Short Story… While my wife slept the night away, I was up repeatedly to pee of course, but only because I was actually awake and listening to the rain and more. The trees were in constant motion, I didn’t see any limbs come down, but I was willing to bet in the daylight there […]
Letter: Slay the Dragon
The label read “doesn’t help you slay the dragons per se, but the vitamin c does help you slay, in general.” The problem was this particular bottle appeared to be having an off day. He was a bit cockeyed, his cap tilted to the side, perhaps stifling a yawn as if not ready to get […]