Did you read the recent article in the News Tribune and The Suburban Times where political candidate, Ben Gonter, promotes the idea that having a four year college degree should be mandatory for a political candidate to be properly qualified to serve in pubic office?
To Ponder
Letter: Living for the picture and not the prize
We were approaching mud hens – hundreds of them – bunched in front of our double flatwater racing shell during our twice-a-week father-daughter early morning workout.
It was the third of our four-mile race against the clock, ever seeking faster times – struggling, straining, sprinting all while exhausting long-since spent resources yet even still digging deeper, rowing harder, with some success but mostly not.
Westside Story – Reading Can Be Dangerous
We hear it all the time. “Read with your child.” “Become a volunteer reader at your school to help children learn to read.” “Stamp out illiteracy, by helping adults learn to read.”
I found an interesting warning sign at BROWSEBOUT BOOKS, a bookstore in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, which helps reinforce my point. I have depicted the sign in Photo 1 below.
Westside Story – Holiday Helmets
I always watch for rock solid, money making, innovative product ideas. Because you are my loyal readers, I am going to give you some insider information before the general public has time to catch on. Keep an open mind and remember, I am not a professional engineer.
Westside Story – Auto Correct
Computers can be helpful and computers can be less than helpful. How about that auto correct? I find auto correct especially challenging while texting. I have had auto correct not only try to correct my writing, but argue with me causing me to change a word back to what I wanted more than six times.
Westside Story – Pediamorphosis
Being smart, like my wife, who was in the Top Ten of every class she attended: grade school, high school and college, is thought to be most desirable.
Let me hasten to tell you; it is also desirable to possess a low level of intellect. Take me, for example. One of the fun things a low-level intellect guy does for the amusement of smart people is to mess up words like too, to and two; isle and aisle; then and than; youth and “yute"; merry, marry and Mary. I use close, but wrong words all the time. I don’t mean to. It just happens. It would drive me crazy if it were not for the fact that I realize guys like me are needed to make the intelligence comparison possible. Smart people could not look intelligent without low intellects paving the way.
Westside Story – No One Is Safe
Our The Suburban Times Editorial Cartoonist, SWS, strikes again. This cartoon proves that anyone or any topic can end up on the sharp point of the Shake’s Spear spear.
Yes, even the publisher of The Suburban Times, Sir Benjamin Sclair, becomes a target.
Westside Story – When I Am Gone
My title is the name of a song, When I Am Gone. Well, I am not gone yet, but I am getting older. One of the fun things about getting older — yes, there are some fun things — is having long term friendships.
In 1975, my daughter, Paige Evers, met a little girl in Judy Drysdale’s Oakbrook Children’s Center pre-school, named Jenny Hammond. They were only 3 years old.
Letter: Wreck-reational Marijuana
There’s a team coming – our featured presentation – to the November 5th meeting of the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association (TWNA), 6:30 P.M., to present their case as to why Lakewood should allow – since city leaders have made it clear they’re not likely to endorse – recreational marijuana (MJ) sales.