The way I see it: the big time 2015 U.S. Open Golf Championship is coming to Pierce County and that means a lot of great, wonderful and positive things are going to happen in our community. But the U.S. Open has its downside.
To Ponder
Letter: Every organization needs a hall monitor
Best if it’s the leader.
As we approach National Honesty Day, April 30, it is ironic – perhaps ‘comic’ would be more apt – that as to “congressional records or presidential proclamations for this day” – this ‘National’ day, this one day (only one?) set aside to tell the truth – “none were found.”
Westside Story – Lint Art
Have you ever heard of lint art? I never had until recently when my friend, Edra Zook, who recently retired from Starbucks #313 after ten years service, showed me her latest artistic creation. What you see was 20 years in the making.
Westside Story – Good Cop / Bad Cop
Every day we are bombarded with Bad Cop stories. Most of these stories, at their basic foundation, are faulty stories. In this avalanche of Bad Cop stories, there are a few accurate stories. There has to be, because bad people are everywhere including law enforcement, teachers, doctors and ministers.
Letter: The (Tillicum) Center of the storm
How many City of Lakewood audits of the Tillicum Community Center have been conducted since the latter began receiving federal funds dispersed by the former 15 years ago?
Westside Story – A Story From Hell
Have you ever had someone tell you to go to Hell? I have, especially when I was dealing with unhappy criminals. Most criminals are unhappy, especially those who belong to the Felons Club. I remember one, in particular, who told me to go to Hell and then tried to burn me in the face with his lit cigarette. As you might imagine, I made arrangements for him to spend a few days and nights in a non-smoking facility. I guess his threat was not an idle threat. He told me to go to Hell and to Hell I went. At least most of us would think of the Pierce County Jail as a kind of Hell. When he told me to go to Hell, he did not count on my taking him with me.
Letter: The world beyond the knothole
How intriguing is our sometimes fantastical world – what we can see, though not with the naked eye.
For Alice, of “Alice in Wonderland” fame, it was by “by climbing through a mirror into the world that she can see beyond it,” as told by Lewis Carroll in the sequel “Through the Looking-Glass, and what Alice Found There.”
Letter: How does your garden grow?
One year for my mom’s birthday (March 6), and with May Day and then Mother’s Day right around the corner, I bought her a flowering pink cherry blossom tree. At least that’s what the tag said. There was no evidence that this spindly, scrawny, skeleton of a few twigs was what it said it was or that it was even alive.
Letter: Tillicum community comes through again
By David Anderson, President Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association
The registration fees for our entire team of 13 are totally paid for! At $90 each that’s $1,170 all from individuals throughout the Tillicum community.