I don’t think you’ll be driving the new electric Tesla Semi to the moon and back, but speculation is growing about the payload and savings on diesel fuel it is supposed to deliver. ” . . . a typical “day cab” configuration 18-wheeler with a diesel engine weighs roughly 32,000 pounds with a relatively lightweight […]
To Ponder
Westside Story – A 2 Minute 16.54 Second Solution
After a tragedy such as the Parkland school shooting in Florida, it is natural to experience intense sorrow followed by incorrect conclusions. To more clearly understand the concept of incorrect conclusions lets follow the thought process of a medical school professor. The professor was researching cancer causes. She considered three elements, gum chewing, smoking, and […]
Westside Story – Sign Of The Times Snarls Traffic In University Place
The other day while enjoying a tasty espresso at my favorite Forza Coffee Shop, I could not believe my eyes when I read the Precision Tune sign.
Singing the Praises of The Refugee Choir
At a regular meeting of the Rotary Club of Tacoma #8 I was charmed by the program, the Tacoma Refugee Choir and the board chair Michael Collier. “Our attitude towards immigration reflects our faith in the American ideal. We have always believed it possible for men and women who start at the bottom to rise […]
Westside Story – Fund Raiser Fights Human Trafficking
Scramble to see if you have a spot on your calendar to attend the dinner, program, and auction scheduled for Saturday, March 3, 2018, from 5:00p – 9:00p. For additional details, please refer to the announcement printed below.
Mosquito Zappers, Wind-Up Toilets, Mini-Microscopes and Teachers
If you have never been to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Discovery Center, you owe a day of amazement to yourself and your family. “Discover innovations and inventions that are helping to create a world where every person has the opportunity to live a healthy and productive life. Immerse yourself in debates about education, […]
Westside Story – Our Roads Are Broken
My speedometer indicates my car is capable of traveling at 150 miles per hour. I qualified as a high-speed driver, so I could drive that fast, but my training tells me unless I am on the salt flats, 150 mph is not a good idea for no other reason than a wheel might fall off. […]
Letter: Hire the homeless
If the Department of Ecology can hire teens at $11.50 per hour to pick up roadside litter throughout the state of Washington this summer, then is there a reason why the homeless can’t be hired to do the same? Especially since the trend in unsheltered homelessness shows a steady increase over the last five years?
Washington Killer Trees Coming? Or Going?
Sitting at my kitchen table this morning looking out at the snow, I’m reflecting on global warming and our prospects of another hot and dry summer here in Pierce County . . . and what this means to our environment. I was just reviewing the Washington State Department of Natural Resources Forest Health Program from […]