You have most certainly heard if not used this Germanism in the English language, Zeitgeist. Germans pronounce it with a “ts” in the beginning, ‘tsite-guy-st. It translates as spirit of the time and means exactly that. The term itself has not always been around, though the phenomenon has. I would almost go so far as […]
To Ponder
The Wizard of Oz – St. Luke’s Theatre Company
Peg and I arrived at CenterStage on Sunday to find out there were no handouts for the production of Harvey. The printer had ceased after only a couple of prints. We had seen worse problems, so we knew we could get the basics for the Centerstage review of the classic production of 1944 pretty easily. […]
In the Book Nook with … Matt Mememaro
Author Matt Mememaro from Queensland, Australia, works as a medial administrator. He first started writing when he was eleven or twelve, then took a long break, as school and life took over. He rekindled it at 17 for a few years only, to take another long break again until recently. He is determined not to […]
The Most Popular Plays in America?
Do you ever wonder how many plays are produced across America? Or what plays are really popular? The most productions this year so far by Editor-in-chief of American Theatre By Rob Weinert-Kendt, is a fun list of stage acting in the live theatre. We are sitting pretty. Here in the Pacific Northwest we’ve seen two […]
Letter: The Whispered Message of the Daisy
For a dollar she had purchased a pack of miscellaneous seeds, tossed them onto the prepared soil, scraped a bit of dirt over the top, sprinkled awhile with water, and otherwise forgot about them given she’d other things to do. In a modern day sequel to the fairy tale about Jack-and-the-Beanstalk, seemed like overnight three sunflowers […]
Reaching Across the World
My article from a week ago: A few days ago The Suburban Times posted my article about my father being a sailor during the Second World War and keeping a log. There were a couple of comments about writing letters and even about the state of Missouri where my father was born. In today’s news […]
Karen Haas Presents Abbie William Hill – A Historic Presentation
Three times Peg and I have seen Karen Haas wearing clothing and some details characteristic from a hundred years ago or so. She loves reaching back into the past and bringing historical women to life while sharing local history from Western Washington and beyond. When Peg heard that Karen Haas was putting on a historical […]
Let’s Talk! – Tail-Wagging Happiness
Are you ready to switch off your screens and ponder or discuss another writing/conversation prompt from my friend Tyrean Martinson’s book? Here’s my take on it. I have never owned a dog. I guess that is what one associates first and foremost with tail-wagging. Man’s best friend, a canine that loves unconditionally and defends its […]
Letter: Love Is Like That
It was very, very early morning, the inky blackness of the sky above seamlessly meshing with the just as black water below. I knew they were out there. I could hear them. Somewhere. Only as I moved silently along did I occasionally catch a glimpse of them, their shadowy figures briefly revealed by the faint […]