In high school I took one speech class and two acting classes. In college I took one theatre speech class at Olympic College in Bremerton, and one acting class at the University of Puget Sound. Both Peg and I are readers, but she outclasses me there. She reads all the time. Peg has written reviews […]
To Ponder
Letter: CPSD – To debate or not to debate: that is the question
Submitted by John Arbeeny. I reviewed the recent League of Women’s Voters Clover Park School District Board candidate forum video which was held on 30 September 2021 and noted a recurring theme, mentioned several times by current Board President Schafer. “It’s not about debating folks. It’s about collaborating.” He also states that “listening” is the […]
Letter: CPSD Board Members work for…?
On my way home from Chambers Bay, after a walk with my favorite K-9, I drove past the corner of Whitman and Motor Ave, here in Lakewood. Some election signs caught my attention and made me question who some of the Clover Park School District Board Members are truly representing? The storefront, on the corner, […]
Letter: Vote Beth Elliott for Responsible Growth in DuPont
Submitted by Beth Elliott. I am running for the DuPont City Council because I believe responsible growth is a way to protect and enhance our quality of life. I have served on the Parks and Planning Commissions, the Sequalitchew Creek Watershed Council, the DuPont Community Garden Board and have participated in numerous other volunteer activities […]
Across the Fence: Octopuses
November 8 is International Octopus Day. Now, you may wonder why I come up with such a seemingly exotic topic today. I was playfully looking into a website that deals with celebratory dates, and among others this resonated immediately with me. Because I love octopuses or octopods. And yes, that’s the plural, not octopi or […]
Graffiti Damages both Public and Private Property
Graffiti is illegal. Graffiti creates damage and defaces both public and private property. It’s unwanted and needs to be painted over and removed. In today’s world, all graffiti ends up damaging property. There’s no style. Artistic statements can reach more people via Facebook than spray painting a local bridge or private or public property, so […]
Letter: Lakewood’s Roundabouts and Lakewood Saturday Oak Leaves Memories
Submitted by Tim Marsh, Lakes High Class of 1966. How old are you? Do you remember Lakewood before roundabouts? Am told by a Lakewood resident on 10/4/2021 that roundabouts are being put in/installed/built on Gravelly Lake Drive, one each at Nyanza Park Drive, Veterans Drive and Washington Boulevard intersections. Wow! Speaking of, “How old are […]
Statements of Facts and Other Possible Ideas
Nothing says expert in your field like someone mentioning you in an article for a local publication. When this happens, you should be prepared to share the news and spread the word. It’s not blowing your own horn; it’s just getting the word out that others think you’re doing a good job, or have an […]
Letter: Wapato Park Still Impressive
Going to Wapato park as a child, 40+ years ago, was always fun. There were trails to hike, ducks to feed, a swimming area and a boat house. One of the more memorable things for me was “climbing” the trail to the backside of the waterfall, which cascaded down to a small fish pond below. […]