It was almost dinner time. Thursday afternoon Peg and I went to the bank to deposit a check. During the Coronavirus pandemic checks could be few and far between, so we wanted to make sure this one was in and credited to our account. While Peg made the deposit I swung past the Taco Bell […]
To Know
Vet Clinic, Mar. ’20
New resources for military veterans. Newly separated veterans will now get phone calls from the VA to talk about benefits… VA Welcome Kit simplifies VA benefits, service process… GAO: VA must improve plans for providing long-term care to aging veterans… Online Health Library Available for Veterans… Veterans get more banking options, […]
Bacon’s Double Take – Food at Stake
Admittedly, sometimes a photo strikes one’s eyes before you even come up with a story. These are two of that kind, and I found them on the sites of two of my German Facebook friends, who are friends of each other, as well, and like to take photos of the same motives from different angles. […]
Boyle’s Double Take – Food at Stake
On January 4, 2020 when my Double Take writing partner, Susanne Bacon, suggested the unique photo below I was stumped. What was I going to write about? Susanne did not stage this one of a kind image. A friend of Susanne’s happened upon the actual scene in Germany and captured it with her camera. With a stroke […]
Two neighborhood homicides topic of Tillicum meeting
The Lakewood Police Department will have a representative at the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association (TWNA) meeting March 5, 6:30 P.M. “to discuss the two recent homicides and any other issues/concerns.” The TWNA meets at the Tillicum Community Center, 14916 Washington Ave. SW. In the neighborhood newsletter for March, there are four links to Tacoma News […]
Baby Kellyn Fights Brave Battle Against CHD. He’s Winning
Congenital Heart Defect Awareness is spotlighted during February, American Heart Month. I didn’t even know about this condition that affects 1.35 million infants every year worldwide. It is the most common type of birth defect in the United States, affecting nearly 40,000 births a year. But then I received this email from little Kellyn Kohler’s […]
Vet Clinic, Feb. ’20
New resources for military veterans. Thousands of housing vouchers for veterans went unused last year, hurting efforts to end homelessness Is adopting a service dog right for you? What veterans diagnosed with PTSD need to know Free sports gear, tickets for Veterans and military kids Veterans to see virtual hearings at Board […]
Vet Clinic, Jan ’20
Editor’s Note: Veterans, if you are looking for some answers, the following list might just help out. Disabled Veterans eligible for free National Park Service Lifetime Access Pass Emerging PTSD therapy: Faster results, less talking Helping veterans age well after military service You can invest in companies that invest in vets? Foundation announces $1 million […]
Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association cancels January Meeting, Back in February
By vote of the board of the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association (TWNA), there will be no monthly meeting this Thursday, January 2, the first Thursday of the month normally set aside for folks to gather. But we’ll return February 6th. On behalf of the community we wish you the best and the brightest of New Year’s! […]