History is being made on the Fourth Friday of every month at the Lakewood Senior Activity Center. Believe it or not. That’s the day Amanatee Radio Ear of Sarasota Florida records “Swimming Upstream, Dorothy Wilhelm’s Internet Radio Show.” Where you will hear programming you can’t hear anywhere else. Right this minute, drop everything and go […]
To Know
Susanne Bacon’s 5th Wycliff Novel Visits with Ghosts of the Past
While assessing the inventory of an old villa, Izzy Watson, the Wycliff museum’s part-time curator, wonders who is leaving vintage jewelry on her doorstep. This is the beginning of my fifth novel in my series centered on the fictitious South Puget Sound Victorian small-town of Wycliff. Or is it? Because “Haunted Homes” – that is […]
“We Just Suspend Your Social Security Number…”
Be on the lookout for this newest scam. At 8 a.m. Tuesday morning I received this robotic voice message. “This call is from the Department of Social Security Administration. The reason you have received this phone call from our department is to inform you that we just suspend (sic) your social security number because we […]
More Leadership for Lakewood
One of the presumed ‘candidates’ for Lakewood has a webpage proudly displaying both a yard sign AND a request for donations, even before filing. Not only am I NOT fundraising. I will not rely on yard signs to clutter up our city. I will rely on contact with community members. Next week I will file […]
Fishing event, town cleanup, trains and more
The Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association newsletter for the month of April can be downloaded here. Remember our monthly community meeting is the first Thursday so April 4, 6:30 P.M., Tillicum Community Center, 14916 Washington Ave. SW.
choose Chas, choose change
Charles Ames has announced his candidacy for Lakewood City Council for ONE term. Who is Charles Ames? Commandant of the local Marine Corps League before I earned my 5-year pin 2-term Chair of the City of Lakewood’s Public Safety Advisory Committee Single dad and was a member of Harrison Prep’s PTO for 6 years and […]
Bacon’s “Home from Home” published as a book
Over the past years, many of you have been reading my column “Home from Home” in the Suburban Times. It sprang from all the questions an immigrant gets asked as a newcomer by citizens over here as well as an expat by people they left behind. And, of course, I couldn’t help comparing my mother […]
Swimming Upstream to Special Valentine Show
Unexpected Gifts is the subject of the special Valentine edition of Dorothy Wilhelm’s internet radio show, “Swimming Upstream,” playing at this very moment at http://www.itsnevertoolate.com. The idea of the show is that love – like valentines – can come at unexpected times and in unexpected packages. The first “gift package” is a reading by Sam […]
The Problem with Some Contractors
Most contractors are reliable. Some aren’t. I’ve run into both. Here’s a list of top contractor issues from a Rental Property Investor from Milwaukee, WI: Quality of work Timeliness (showing up late to appointments) Smoking and leaving cigarette butts on the property Not cleaning up the job site in general Communication biggerpockets.com/forums/311/topics/175251-what-are-your-top-5-complaints-hang-ups-with-contractors Most of my […]