Mountain View Funeral Home: Jason Edward “Jay” Davis; Mary Evelyn Glaude.
To Know
Gonzaga University names local spring graduates, Dean’s List, and President’s List honorees
The following Gonzaga University students participated in graduation exercises during our Commencement Ceremony that was held on Sunday, May 9, 2021. These students have either completed their undergraduate degree or are expected to complete their degree requirements this year. Fircrest, WA Alexander McCullough, Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Administration Lakewood, WA Madeline Bruner, Bachelor […]
Affordable Meals Create Local Jobs
A new “Meal Marketplace” website in Washington state offers local food vendors a place to list their local family food options. encourages local food providers like restaurants, food trucks and caterers to create family style meals starting at $20 to list on the website. “We all know local food providers were struggling through the pandemic”, says Denise Cook, […]
Obituary Notices – June 9, 2021
New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Grady Richard Maxwell, Sr.; Bruce Paul Anderson. Edwards Memorial Funerals Homes, Chapels and Crematories: William Norvell Sellers. Mountain View Funeral Home: Mary Jane Castillo; Margaret Ann Dorris; Dave Johnson; Charles Raymond Ross. Fir Lane Memorial Park: Paul Charles Maples.
Your Money at Work in Lakewood
Submitted by Greg Rediske, Lakewood Community Foundation Fund. Winston Churchill said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” So many in Lakewood are making a life by giving. Thanks to their generosity over the years, the Lakewood Community Foundation Fund was able to make grants of […]
Tacoma Public Library opens more locations, adjusts operations and services in Phase 3
Tacoma Public Library (TPL) today announces updates to its operations in Phase 3 of Healthy Washington – Roadmap to Recovery. Changes include ending the quarantine of materials, opening three more locations, and adjusting services. June 1: Quarantine no longer required by state mandateFollowing updates to state guidelines, returned library materials no longer require a 24-hour quarantine […]
LRW to host Annual Scholarship luncheon
The Lakewood Republican Women (LRW) will host the annual Betty Jo Neils scholarship at a luncheon ($25) on June 26 (11:30 a.m. social, 12 p.m. opening remarks) at the Tacoma Country and Golf Club. RSVP by June 21, 2021 to Pam Trobaugh, 253-584-0588 or Doreen Imholt, 253-208-2599.
Obituary Notices – June 8, 2021
New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Choon Ja Paik; Dmitriy D Prokopovich, Jr.
Gwen Verdon & Bob Fosse and the Joy of Dance On Broadway and Film
Bob Fosse? Growing up I had really no idea who he was. Three things changed that over the years. First was seeing “Pippin” live on Broadway in 1973; second was the explosion of feature films made available via VHS and Beta tapes; third was the expansion and availability of almost every film or video made […]