A press release from Pierce County Library System. PIERCE COUNTY, Washington – The Pierce County Library System Executive Director Georgia Lomax announced today that she is retiring in the first part of 2022. Lomax has been a library leader for 35 years and served as the executive director for the Pierce County Library since 2014. “I am thankful […]
To Know
Sounder Seahawks game day trains start September 19
A press release from Sound Transit. Seattle Seahawks fans can save on travel time, parking and gas by taking Sound Transit’s popular Sounder trains to the Seahawks 1:25 p.m. game Sunday, September 19 against the Tennessee Titans. Special Sounder service is in addition to regular Link light rail, ST Express, and King County Metro service […]
Uber-like lawn mowing app just launched in Lakewood
Submitted by Gene Caballero. The nation’s leader in on-demand lawn mowing has just launched its service in Lakewood. GreenPal, which has been described as “Uber for lawn care,” is already being used in 48 states by more than 1 million homeowners. With the Corona Virus running rampant and social distancing a communal priority, our service lends […]
Pierce County COVID-19 data update confirmed September 9
A press release from Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. On Sept. 9, our 14-day case rate per 100,000 for Aug. 18-31 is 681.8. The 14-day case rate offers the most reliable look at COVID-19 disease burden on Pierce County. Our hospitalization rate is currently 18.9 per 100,000. Today, we confirmed 450 COVID-19 cases and 6 new […]
Obituary Notices – September 10, 2021
New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Robert Yates Urquhart; Shoko Yamasaki; Delon Marcel Elix; Michael Kyong West; Muriel Alice Herness; Edward William Roberts; Faalafua Lesage Kennach; John Martin Troja. Mountain View Funeral Home: Kim Marie Alonzo. Fir Lane Memorial Park: Walter R. Whitcomb Jr. Powers Funeral Home: Doris Anne Duncan; Kayleen Louise Sloboden; Darlene Pulino Camacho. […]
THS Honors Sylvia Sass with Star of Destiny Award
A news story from Tacoma Historical Society. Sylvia Sass, an original founder of Tacoma’s Sister Cities Program, is the recipient of the Tacoma Historical Society’s prestigious 2021 “Star of Destiny Award” given in recognition to the community’s most notable and accomplished history makers. The award was announced at the Historical Society’s grand opening of the […]
Caution for wet paint in Steilacoom Sept. 10
An announcement from Town of Steilacoom. Pierce County will be doing street striping throughout Town Sept. 10. Please use caution and avoid driving over wet paint.
Water quality at Flett Creek and downstream returns to safe levels
A press release from Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. On Sept. 9, 2021, Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department lifted the sewage spill advisory for Flett Creek between the Mount View Cemetery pump station and where Flett Creek and Chambers Creek come together. We took a water sample on Sept. 7 and the results indicate public health concerns […]
Pierce County Council appoints Districting Committee members
A press release from Pierce County Council. Now that the 2020 Census is complete, Pierce County must make changes to the boundaries of its seven Council districts to account for population changes over the last decade. The goal is to have roughly the same population size within each council district, so Pierce County residents are […]