A poem by Steilacoom resident Rob Hofstad. Silent Sentinel.Graceful Guardian of the Marsh.Tiptoeing amid reed and rush.One foot lifted, frozen in timePoised for a next step,Barely rippling the water’s edge.Head adorned with crested feathers,Like antennae awaiting a first sound.Watching:Watching for unwelcome guests,Unwanted predators,Interlopers.But also…For neighbors,Friends,Kin.If only, we say…If only we had your eyes,Your discerning vision,To […]
Lakewood area student graduates from University of Saint Mary
The University of Saint Mary celebrated the close of another academic year and the passing of a major milestone in the lives of the class of 2021 at USM’s Commencement ceremonies on Saturday, May 15, in McGilley Field House on USM’s main Leavenworth campus, 4100 South 4th Street. Lakewood’s Tommy McCall earned a Master of […]
Strickland Urges Immediate Improvements to VHA Community Care Program to Support Veterans
Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland (WA-10) submitted a statement for the record to the Veterans Affairs Committee regarding scheduling and appointment delays and communications breakdowns for veterans living in Washington’s 10th Congressional District are experiencing through the Veterans Health Administration’s (VHA) Community Care program. “Congress created the Community Care program to help veterans get high-quality and timely […]
Clover Park School District investigating possible ransomware attack – KIRO 7 News
Facing a “system outage,” the Clover Park School District is investigating why it’s “experiencing a technology issue,” a district spokesperson said in a statement. Read more: Clover Park School District investigating possible ransomware attack – KIRO 7 News Seattle
Local students named to Union University President’s List
Three hundred forty-three students have been named to the Union University President’s List for the spring 2021 semester. The President’s List includes full-time students who achieve a 4.0 grade point average on a four-point scale. Locally, two students made the list: Lakewood, WA David Edgren Tacoma, WA Angela Le Founded in 1823 and affiliated with […]
Initial and continued claims for regular benefits decreased May 16-22
During the week of May 16 – May 22, there were 11,666 initial regular unemployment claims (down 40.5 percent from the prior week) and 416,462 total claims for all unemployment benefit categories (down 11.2 percent from the prior week) filed by Washingtonians, according to the Employment Security Department (ESD). Initial regular claims applications are now […]
Universal design workshop focuses on age-friendly homes
Sidewalk ramps at intersections, commonly called curb cuts, were designed to help wheelchairs navigate urban walkways. Once introduced, designers quickly realized their extensive value for parents pushing strollers, children riding bicycles and pedestrians out for a stroll. This realization was the first step toward Universal Design. “Universal Design: Making an ‘Age-Friendly’ Home,” will explore the […]
162 new Pierce County COVID-19 cases, 3 new deaths confirmed May 28
On May 28, our 14-day case rate per 100,000 for May 6-19 is 240. The 14-day case rate offers the most reliable look at COVID-19 disease burden on Pierce County. Our hospitalization rate is currently 8.8 per 100,000. Today we confirmed 162 COVID-19 cases and 3 new deaths: A woman in her 80s from Parkland. […]
Obituary Notices – May 29, 2021
Edwards Memorial Funerals Homes, Chapels and Crematories: Sharon Mary Perry. Mountain View Funeral Home: Donna Austin; Melanie Mary Kondrat; Elisabeth Utterback. Fir Lane Memorial Park: Jeoani Joel A. Gogue.