“Valentine’s Day is truly going to be an epic holiday to remember for Tacoma’s most famous private home. “That’s the day the Rust Mansion will be sold to the highest bidder in an online auction designed to attract buyers from all over the world. Bidding opens Feb. 9. There is no reserve so the mansion […]
Harrison Preparatory Student Completes
House Page Program
Clover Park School District announcement. Harrison Preparatory School 10th grader Alexis Lynn served as a page for 28th District Representative Mari Leavitt during her term in the House Page Program. Alexis assisted the House of Representatives, supported member offices and attended page school on the capitol campus located in Olympia. Alexis participated in valuable hands-on […]
Pierce County Parks presents Rock the Rink ice show
Pierce County announcement. Bring your friends and family to Pierce County Parks’ exciting new ice show: Rock the Rink! Join the fun at Tacoma’s Sprinker Recreation Center to watch this upbeat and thrilling ice show featuring decades of nostalgic tunes that will get you on your feet and ready to dance. The show will take […]
Representatives Kilmer and Strickland Celebrate new Puget Sound Recovery Law in Tacoma
Office of Reps. Derek Kilmer and Marilyn Strickland announcement. On Monday, January 23, U.S. Representatives Derek Kilmer (WA-06) and Marilyn Strickland (WA-10), Co-Chairs of the Puget Sound Recovery Caucus, celebrated their new law, the PUGET SOS Act, which passed the House and Senate as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for 2023. The new law, signed […]
Obituary Notices – January 27, 2023
Edwards Memorial Funerals Homes, Chapels and Crematories: Edith Gertrud Madelon Troup. Fir Lane Memorial Park: Sheffey D. Martin.
DuPont BBQ Competition, Community Festival Returns this Summer
Submitted by DuPont-Hudson’s Bay BBQ Competition Festival & Car Show. The DuPont-Hudson’s Bay BBQ Competition, Festival and Car Show is produced by the American Legion Pat Tillman Memorial Post #53 in coordination with the City of DuPont. The event raises funds in support of programs and services that impact and aid veterans and families struggling […]
The University Place City Council Jan. 28 Meeting Agenda
The University Place City Council will hold a Special Council Meeting on Jan. 28 (8 AM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
Baseball, baseball, baseball
Lakewood Baseball Club announcement. Step right up and get your boys and girls registered for baseball this year. Kids 12 and under will find a team to play with, starting with T-ball (6 and under). Thanks to community investment, registration rates are the lowest they have ever been ($40 per child in T-ball, slightly higher […]
Public Safety Funding Discussions and Next Steps
City of University Place announcement. The November 2022 ballot measure that would have raised dedicated funds to cover 10 additional U.P. Police Department commissioned staff and two non-commissioned personnel failed by 99 votes out of more than 13,000 votes cast. Given the narrow margin of defeat, the City Council, City staff and City Commissions have […]