Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) April 28 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
Steilacoom’s Mill Fire Update
Town of Steilacoom announcement. During the evening of Wednesday, April 26, a fire was reported within one of the structures upon the old mill property. The first public safety units arrived on scene within 5 minutes, and the fire was reported under control about an hour afterwards. The involved property is the same property in […]
Historic Village Walk
City of DuPont announcement. 10:00 am Saturday, May 6th, 2023depart from DuPont Historical Museum207 Barksdale Ave., DuPont Rain or shine! Please arrive 5 minutes early to sign in. Free and open to all. On sidewalks, the tour will cover about 1.5 miles discussing historic DuPont Company homes, Johnson Brothers General Store, Carsten’s Meat Market, School […]
Center Drive Overlay Project continues
City of DuPont announcement. The contractor for Center Drive Overlay Phase 6 will be returning on Monday, May 1 to continue the project. The Center Drive Overlay project includes grinding and overlaying existing asphalt travel lanes, bike lanes/shoulders between Interstate 5 Exit 118 and McNeil Street to a depth of 2-inches. This project will affect […]
Tiffany Wong discusses transferring to PLU, her experience as an RA, and her plans to become a Certified Nurse Anesthesiologist
Written by Lisa Patterson, PLU Marketing & Communications Guest Writer. PLU senior Tiffany Wong was drawn to study nursing after spending 10 years caring for her grandmother — a special woman who taught her about empathy and compassion. “My heart broke when she passed away this fall semester. There were numerous stories that she told […]
CPSD at Parks Appreciation Day
Clover Park School District social media post. This past Saturday, City of Lakewood and CPSD students and staff joined together for a day of community service to celebrate Parks Appreciation Day. Volunteers focused on weed removal, restoring key features of parks and beautifying garden beds.
Veterans: Take Note of PACT Act Claims Clinics
Want to know how PACT Act will affect your benefits? Want to file a claim? Join us for our May PACT Act Claims Clinics from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at these locations–no appointment needed.
Coffee Chat and Change the World, May 1
Wonderful People Doing Wonderful Things on May 1 at 9 am. HOSTED BY DOROTHY WILHELM LITTLE DROWNED TOWNS There are more than 200 drowned towns in America – little cities that were flooded to build hydro-electric Dams. Dorothy Wilhelm and Dennis Heckman remember their childhood in Warland, Montana now forever buried under Libby Dam MOTHERS DAY WISDOM Joe […]
Obituary Notices – April 28, 2023
Edwards Memorial Funerals Homes, Chapels and Crematories: Ronald Layne Drury. Mountain View Funeral Home: Oscar F Ramos Ponce; Carolyn Ady Simonson. Powers Funeral Home: Floybelle Casteel McDonald; Marilyn Ava Anderson.