Beginning today, eligible seniors can apply online for the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program and receive vouchers to purchase produce from participating farmers markets and farm stores. Over 3,700 vouchers valued at $80 are available and may be used for fresh, nutritious, locally grown and produced fruits, vegetables and honey. Participants must meet the following […]
Obituary Notices – May 2, 2023
New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Diane Marie Gallagher; Collin Glover; Cheryl Ann Warden. Mountain View Funeral Home: William V. Bradley; Edward J. Shannon. Fir Lane Memorial Park: Gladys A. Jackson; Margrit Ayuso; Carl F. Nielsen. Powers Funeral Home: Jason Robert Amundson. Week’s Dryer Mortuary: Mildred “Mitty” Katherine (Morse) Gregory.
Lakewood United: An Invitation and a “Thank You”
Lakewood United announcement. The public is invited to join us on Thursday, May 4th at 6:00 pm at Pierce College, Fort Steilacoom Campus, Olympic Bldg., Room 102. Guest Speaker: Julie A Manley White Ph.D., Chancellor and CEO of Pierce College District According to a recent economic impact study, each year Washington’s community and technical colleges, their […]
The 4th of July is just around the corner
Submitted by French Wetmore, Steilacoom. Before we know it, Steilacoom will be celebrating Independence Day with our hometown parade, Street Fair, Ice Cream Social, Beer Garden, and Dance. You don’t have to be from Steilacoom to come and enjoy the festivities. The highlight of our celebration is the professional fireworks display from a barge on […]
The Board of Health May 3 Meeting Agenda
The Board of Health will hold a Regular Meeting on May 3 (3-5 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
Pierce College Chancellor and CEO to speak at May 4 Lakewood United Meeting
Julie A. Manley White, Ph.D. was appointed Chancellor and CEO of Pierce College District in January, 2023. Prior to that, she served as President of Pierce College Fort Steilacoom starting July, 2019. White is proud to advocate locally, statewide and nationally for resources and partnerships to support students and employees. May 4th, 2023: Lakewood United […]
Train testing continues and permanent pavement markings has started
Sound Transit announcement. The civil construction phase for Hilltop Tacoma Link Extension is almost complete and with the warmer weather the construction crews have started to apply the permanent pavement markings in the project area. Trains are also now testing regularly so remember to look both ways. Trains come from both directions, so always be […]
Michael Burris leads a dynamic team as regional president of Sound Physicians
Written by Lora Shinn, PLU Marketing & Communications Guest Writer. Michael Burris ’09 worked at the intersection of business and healthcare since before even graduating from PLU with a business major and economics minor. While in his third year at PLU, he began an internship with MultiCare Health Systems, working as the CFO’s “right-hand man.” He was offered […]
Youth Firefighting Academy Scheduled for June 17-18
West Pierce Fire & Rescue announcement. West Pierce Fire & Rescue is hosting the 5th annual Youth Academy the weekend of June 17-18, 2023 and will be accepting applications May 1-12, 2023. This two-day program teaches teens interested in a career in the fire service about what it means to be a firefighter. The weekend […]