The Pierce Transit Board will meet on September 9 remotely at 4 pm. Read the meeting agenda and participation instructions here.
Pierce Transit Cuts Ribbon on Upgraded Bus Shelters
On August 28, Pierce Transit hosted Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland and other elected officials and dignitaries to celebrate the kickoff of a systemwide bus stop shelter upgrade. Event attendees held a ribbon cutting ceremony at one of the new shelters installed along Bridgeport Way W. in Lakewood. The upgrades to bus shelters throughout Pierce Transit’s service area […]
Pierce Transit Service Changes start Sept. 1
On Sunday, September 1, Pierce Transit weekend bus schedules will change on nearly all routes (except for routes 57 and 214) to improve service. Some changes will also be made to select routes on weekdays: Pierce Transit’s changes and Pierce Transit-operated Sound Transit service changes happen on Sunday Sept. 1, while many other transit systems’ service […]
Pierce Transit Receives Recognition for Collaboration with West Pierce Fire and Rescue, Contribution to Community Safety
At the Lakewood City Council meeting on August 19, West Pierce Fire and Rescue recognized Pierce Transit for its continued support and partnership during emergencies. Most recently, during the Hidden Lake Apartments fire last month, Pierce Transit provided a bus to park at the scene to temporarily shelter displaced residents while fire and rescue personnel […]
Pierce Transit Board Approves Recommendation to Reallocate Some Board Seats
On August 12, the Pierce Transit Board of Commissioners approved a new composition of the Board, following the results of a June 26 board composition review meeting. Pursuant to RCW 36.57A.055, transit agencies are required to organize a meeting every four years wherein meeting participants review how the agency’s Board seats are allocated to represent […]
Pierce Transit Temporarily Relocating Lakewood Transit Center
Due to a repaving project in the area, the Lakewood Transit Center will be temporarily relocated on Monday, July 22. Here are the details: For help planning a trip, visit Pierce Transit’s Trip Planner at or call the agency’s Customer Service Call 253.581.8000 option 2, then option 2 again, Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Pierce Transit Celebrates $14.8 Million FTA Grant Award
On July 11, Pierce Transit hosted the Federal Transit Administration and elected officials to celebrate receiving a $14.8 million Buses & Bus Facilities grant award. The funding will be used to purchase new battery electric buses and install new charging equipment. This project will improve efficiency and help facilitate expansion of Pierce Transit’s zero-emission fleet. “Pierce Transit […]
Pierce Transit Offering Free Rides to Cooling Centers
The Puget Sound is expecting high temperatures for the next several days. To help those who need access to transportation to get out of the heat, Pierce Transit is partnering with the Pierce County Department of Emergency Management to provide free bus or SHUTTLE rides (for registered SHUTTLE customers) to cooling centers and shelters. The […]
Pierce Transit Invites Public Input on Long Range Plan
Over the next 20 years, Pierce County’s population will grow, new technologies will change how and why people travel, and the funding to deliver robust transit service will continue to be a challenge. To address and prepare for all of these changes, Pierce Transit is drafting its Long Range Plan called Destination 2045. The public is invited to […]