In the past month, contractors have readied the site to prepare for the installation of the interim Lakewood Pierce County Library. They connected the water, prepared electricity to tie into the site, and completed other work on the foundation and property with plans to install the building in mid-April. If the construction plan holds, the projected […]
Pierce County Library Board studies long-term plans for Lakewood Libraries
The Pierce County Library System’s Board of Trustees will conduct two study sessions to consider long-term plans for Lakewood Pierce County Libraries. Saturday, April 20, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Saturday, May 11, 2-4 p.m. The meetings will be held in person at the Pierce County Library Administrative Center at 3005 112th St. E., Tacoma. Optional virtual attendance is available […]
Pierce County Library System closed Thursday, April 11, Staff In-Service Day
The Pierce County Library System will be closed Thursday, April 11, for a Staff In-Service Day of training and learning, to improve service to communities. During that time, the Library’s online services, as always, will be open at, featuring online e-books, audiobooks, videos and magazines as well as other services and resources.
Pierce County Library Board discusses Lakewood Library and other topics
At the Pierce County Library System’s Board of Trustees’ Wednesday, April 10, 3:30 p.m., regular meeting, the Board will hear about progress to build the interim Lakewood Pierce County Library, discuss plans to take down the current Lakewood Pierce County Library building, talk about long-term planning for Lakewood libraries, review policies, and address additional business. The meeting will be […]
Read with the Daffodil Princesses at Pierce County Libraries
The Daffodil Princesses will visit several Pierce County Library System locations this spring to read with children. Members of the Daffodil Festival’s Royal Court will read a story and be available for photos with children ages 3-6. “This event is an example of how libraries bring the magic of reading to children,” said Pierce County Library […]
News about your Lakewood Library
Dirt is moving and the foundation is being built for the interim Lakewood Pierce County Library! If you drive by the site at Gravelly Lake Drive SW and Alfaretta St. SW, you will see work underway nearly every weekday. Contractors are installing temporary measures to control erosion, clearing and grading the site, and installing utility lines. Workers are […]
Library wants to hear from you
Please complete a brief survey and share what is important to you, your family, your community. Complete a survey or at any Pierce County Library now through March 31, 2024. The Pierce County Library System needs your input to help the Library Systemdevelop a new strategic plan.
Pierce County Library Board to get financial oversight training and conduct other business
At the Pierce County Library System’s Board of Trustees’ Wednesday, March 13, 3:30 p.m., regularmeeting,the Boardwill receive financial oversight training, review policies, hear progress about the new Sumner Pierce County Library, discuss updates for the Lakewood Pierce County Library, and address additional business. The meeting will be held in person at the Pierce County Library Administrative Center at 3005 […]
Help serve Pierce County – Apply to be a Pierce County Library Board of Trustee
Want to give back to the Pierce County community and help lead valued library services for 671,000 children and adults? Apply to be a Board of Trustee with the Pierce County Library System. “Trustees balance many strategic directions, including planning for library buildings and services for growing communities and determining how to best get services to where […]