Brad was out for a morning walk. He enjoyed the beautiful green grass of July and August take on some of the summer glare and smell. Brad’s children had given him love and lots of smiles, but had not given him grandchildren, which was a slight disappointment. He still loved them and always would. His […]
Calling It Quilts
Often people succeed because they are in the right place at the right time. That’s never worked for me, however. Generally, if I see something I think is worth buying, I go ahead and purchase it. Have I ever been wrong? Of course? Have I ever been right? Of course. Will I keep doing this? […]
Upcoming Theatre Events Worth Noting
Ch. . . ch . . . ch . . . changes. We’ve got live theater coming up with different perspectives right now. This is not a bad thing; this is something that is interesting and possibly really worthwhile. One of our favorite authors via live theatre is Jane Austen. Our favorite book and film […]
Plain Magic and Red Shoes
Aggie was saddened when her grandmother died. She had planned to visit her, but things got in the way. She couldn’t recall what things, but she knew he had been lax and hadn’t pursued a visit even for a day or two. When they had visited last, years ago, Aggie had been in the third […]
Big Game – The Finnish Film Production
I was tired and by myself, just searching on TV I found “Big Game”. I thought it might be interesting and then I focused in on the real magnet that drew me even closer to the TV and the story. Once I saw that the film was produced in Finland I was hooked. I’ve never […]
The Magic Tool
MaryAnne peeked out the front door window for the third time. There was a young black man sitting on the steps. He had been there for at least fifteen minutes. She was up and awake and had already planned out her Sunday morning . . . well, actually, it didn’t involve much more than looking […]
My Life Watching TV
I’ve loved TVs, movies, and films almost forever. In the early 1950s my parents had the first television on the block. I shared the adventures and humor with my buddies from next door. My parents and I went to films and again back home I would share the stories with my buddies. As old films […]
Marketta and Charlotta Vanamo Visit Tacoma Rotary from Finland
The doorbell rang and I opened the door to greet a Rotarian and a young blonde girl named Marketta, with a sore arm. The Rotarian was soon off, but Marketta Vanamo is still with us . . . forever I think . . . as a friend to delight our hearts. At the time Marketta […]
Fried Tilapia is High on the List
I enjoy cooking tilapia for both breakfast and dinner. Although tilapia is new to many American eaters, the history of the fish goes back to Ancient Egypt. Tilapia is an affordable and nutritious food, and it can be part of a healthy and balanced diet. It is a good source of protein and is relatively […]