I’m looking forward to a special meeting about local waters via the Port of Tacoma. I’ve been a member of the Transportation Club of Tacoma for about ten years. The five Port Commissioners are: John McCarthy, Dick Marzano, Deanna Keller, Don Meyer, and Kristin Ang. The hub of the Transportation Club is roads/freeways, railroad tracks, […]
Tiny Black Ants and a Super Charger
Leeandro was a pain in my . . . well a pain anywhere. He was new to the group and came across as someone who liked to one-up everyone so he can look down his nose at the others. His dad owned a couple of different businesses. From what I had heard off-hand, is that […]
Red Suzi
Like her mom, Susan had red hair. She was shy, but dreamed of great things. She just didn’t know what great things she wanted, but her mind was always thinking. Unlike her mom, she didn’t know how to interact with people . . . especially anyone her age, and most importantly a boy. After getting […]
Cutting Corners and the Grass in August
The doorbell rang. It took me almost a minute to get to the front door to find no one on the steps . . . but on the small patch of grass there stood a young man standing upside down with the top of his head balancing the rest of his near naked body. I […]
En garde – Fencing Fun with Children?
Brad was out for a morning walk. He enjoyed the beautiful green grass of July and August take on some of the summer glare and smell. Brad’s children had given him love and lots of smiles, but had not given him grandchildren, which was a slight disappointment. He still loved them and always would. His […]
Calling It Quilts
Often people succeed because they are in the right place at the right time. That’s never worked for me, however. Generally, if I see something I think is worth buying, I go ahead and purchase it. Have I ever been wrong? Of course? Have I ever been right? Of course. Will I keep doing this? […]
Upcoming Theatre Events Worth Noting
Ch. . . ch . . . ch . . . changes. We’ve got live theater coming up with different perspectives right now. This is not a bad thing; this is something that is interesting and possibly really worthwhile. One of our favorite authors via live theatre is Jane Austen. Our favorite book and film […]
Plain Magic and Red Shoes
Aggie was saddened when her grandmother died. She had planned to visit her, but things got in the way. She couldn’t recall what things, but she knew he had been lax and hadn’t pursued a visit even for a day or two. When they had visited last, years ago, Aggie had been in the third […]
Big Game – The Finnish Film Production
I was tired and by myself, just searching on TV I found “Big Game”. I thought it might be interesting and then I focused in on the real magnet that drew me even closer to the TV and the story. Once I saw that the film was produced in Finland I was hooked. I’ve never […]