“I think local communities are best situated to bring together the appropriate stakeholders to figure out the right policies for their local communities, that is why I think it is time for . . . .”
Letter: Welcome to Lakewood, your source for gambling and marijuana
Rep. Sawyer, Rep. Condotta, and friends, are back with a new bill in the current legislative session that would erect signs for problem and pathological gamblers providing a toll-free hotline number to get help.
Letter: Marijuana showdown in Lakewood
As leaders in the City of Lakewood, Washington consider the ten pages (pp.090-100), and two options of either allowing or prohibiting retail marijuana, even as we head toward Super Bowl 52, there is a new player that may suit up and enter the game should House Bill 2336 succeed in this current legislative session: the […]
Letter: What do Sasquatch, mushrooms, apple pie and rent control have in common?
We were told in this current shortened legislative session that bills were a premium and thus our appeal for a review – if not repeal – of rental inspection programs was not going to happen.
Letter: Follow this train of thought
Lakewood Mayor Don Anderson and the City Council want Amtrak high-speed trains permanently suspended from running through the heart of the city. To that end they have written a letter.
Letter: Failed rental Inspections – done in by the director
Tacoma Housing Authority (THA) rental inspection criteria are not good enough for the City of Lakewood.
Letter: Marijuana and Lakewood’s Promise
Marijuana is a serious problem say youth in the 8th and 10th grades of the Clover Park School District according to survey results to be presented to the Lakewood City Council at its January 8, 2018 study session (p.024). More of a serious problem that alcohol (43.2 percent), or tobacco (51.4 percent), marijuana is judged […]
Opinion: Marijuana locally should be banned
As Lakewood’s (Washington) Planning Commission reviews early in this new year possible locations for retail marijuana (MJ) businesses in the city, here following in this first installment of a series are reasons why ‘turning over a new (marijuana) leaf’ – an idiom normally associated with a change for the better – is a New Year’s […]
Letter: Community Matters
As Tacoma bids farewell to Mayor Marilyn Strickland, so does Tillicum. One day – one of the first days of our baseball practices for seven-year-olds in our tiny town of Tillicum – I received a phone call from Mayor Strickland.