Please slow down for work crews as they trim trees along Bridgeport from 27th to 44th streets over the next several weeks. This regular maintenance ensures that the City’s street trees don’t grow too close to power lines, eliminates dangerously low or dying branches that might fall on pedestrians or vehicles, keeps sight lines clear, […]
Federal Funds at Work in U.P.
The City of University Place is pleased to report that American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds are being put to use to extend sanitary sewer lines along 67th Avenue West from 35th Street West to 27th Street West. Work is planned to begin on Jan. 27, with construction being completed sometime this summer. Motorists should […]
City Seeking Expertise of Wetlands Specialist
University Place is seeking an on-demand wetland specialist. A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) has been issued for a third-party with expertise in evaluating and reviewing critical area reports for wetland, riparian, habitat and shoreline biological assessments submitted by applicants for site specific projects in review with the City. Work would also include consultation services for City […]
Help U.P. Update its Website
It’s a new year and the City of U.P. is planning to give its website a new look. As part of this “refresh,” please take a few minutes to complete a brief survey to share your thoughts about what you like on the existing site and what you’d like to see improved. Perhaps you’d prefer more photos and videos, […]
UPPD Police Blotter – Jan. 22
The most recent significant public safety activity in University Place can be read here.
And the winner is…
The outcome was razor-close, but West Pierce Fire & Rescue took home the winner’s trophy in the Second Annual Battle of the Badges blood donor drive. WPFR squeaked by with a total of 19, topping last year’s champ, the U.P. Police Department, by just one donor. Although staffing shortages caused the event to be limited […]
The University Place City Council Jan. 25 Meeting Agenda
The University Place City Council will hold a Special Council Meeting on Jan. 25 (8 AM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
The University Place City Council Jan. 21 Meeting Agenda
The University Place City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on Jan. 21 (6:30 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
UPPD Police Blotter – Jan. 8
The most recent significant public safety activity in University Place can be read here.