Today’s news brings sad news. A loyal 50-year resident of the City of Lakewood, Joe Boyle, who had been recruited by a popular landslide proportion of Lakewood’s citizenry to run for the upcoming seat being vacated by the Honorable and dedicated Lakewood City Councilwoman, Marie Barth, has announced this afternoon he is dropping out of […]
Westside Story
Westside Story – Life Can Be A Grind
NOTE TO READERS: All names printed in this story have been changed to protect the innocent and the guilty. I say innocent and guilty because, well based on the news; you never know. I am confident my kids, who are woven into my story, are in the innocent group because neither of them has done […]
Westside Story – 180 Feet East or West Makes A Difference
Depending on your age snow can be fun or frustrating. Age 2-17 + snow + shovel = fun Age 18 & up + snow + shovel = frustration EXAMPLE #A: Kids 2 – 17, parents, and grandparents dig in the snow with their shovels to create an igloo snow tunnel. They had fun. Can you […]
Westside Story – When Is A Sundial Not A Sundial?
During our recent anomalistic** winter weather storm a new question came to my mind. When is a sundial no longer a sundial? This is the kind of problem a guy can wrestle with when he is unemployed with no visible means of support. Answer: A sundial is no longer a sundial when… the sun sets […]
Westside Story – Uncle Melvin's Bicycle
Every time it snows I am compelled to take a photo and write about Uncle Melvin’s bicycle. Uncle Melvin, who is actually my wife’s uncle, was born in Tacoma in 1925. In those days kids were born right in the family home. Uncle Melvin’s birth home was in the Norwegian section of what was known […]
Westside Story – "Braggin" Rights
In the vast majority of my 500 or so articles, the ideas for each and every story came to me on my own. I am blessed with a creative and active mind that has become more creative and observational as I finished 75 years of life experience. My mind is always observing, and working on […]
Westside Story – A Sign of the Times – Free Beer
Sure, America is a great country, but if you take the trouble to leave your neighborhood and travel to far off places, you will discover there are other great countries, too. If I rewrote my sentence above using a creative phrase from prominent and published Lakewood author, Susanne Bacon, my sentence might read: “If you […]
Westside Story – Good Bye Cruel World
Note To Reader: It is estimated it will take the average reader 2 minutes and 55 seconds to read this column if you do not dawdle too long over the photos. If you are an Evelyn Woods Reading Dynamics graduate your elapsed reading time should run about 1 minute 10 seconds. Start reading now: Westside […]
Westside Story – Alley Lunch
As hard as it is to believe, I have never dined at Seattle’s Canlis Restaurant, a top caliber dining spot where the elite gathers to dine and enjoy being entertained. A world famous American pianist, composer, and arranger, Walt Wagner, who is once more based in Seattle, Washington often plays at Canlis. No matter. I […]