I guess because I can. My goodness, the boathouse where I work sits right on the shore of the lake, and the water, especially this morning, beckons. So, no excuses.
Letter: Renters are ‘idiots’
And landlords too for that matter. There’s an election this November in Lakewood, Washington. Political signs are appearing; social media postings are occurring; media interview invitations and Q & A’s have been sent.
Letter: Perspicuity, my word for today
There it sank, the cell phone, a very expensive cell phone, slowly slipping from sight as it swung back-and-forth, back-and-forth, with each pendulum-like motion – almost like it was waving, waving goodbye – descending deeper, deeper into the darkness.
Letter: “I like to think we’re not most people.”
I thought I had set the parking brake. Evidently not.
Letter: Shopping Carts, Rental Inspections and a common-sense solution
As the City of Lakewood, Washington celebrates this month of August its one-year anniversary of the passage of Ordinance No. 644 instituting the Rental Housing Safety Program at an annual estimated cost to taxpayers of $175,000, not counting $133,000 for the software to support the program, bypassing certainly a more cost-effective alternative in simply communicating […]
Letter: Not hard to imagine what Rental Inspection software could do
If house-cleaning robots can collect data as they sweep up your house, regularly updating maps of floor plans, as well as the layout of home furnishings so as to “avoid toppling over lamps and ramming into your furniture,” think of what software utilized by a city-approved inspector of your rental could do.
Letter: Lakewood’s Use of Force Policy – now will it be reviewed?
One of the largest police deadly force wrongful death verdicts in state history – more than $15 million awarded to the family of Leonard Thomas “an unarmed black man killed by a SWAT sniper in Fife”– recently found against the near-by cities of Lakewood and Fife, Washington.
Too hot, no Aug. 3 Tillicum meeting, but lots of news
Thursday’s (Aug.3) meeting of the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association (TWNA) has been cancelled, however, in the attached newsletter is a ton of information not the least of which is how to stay cool.
Letter: ‘I love you dad!’
Two out of three of our grandsons with that message to their dad on camera isn’t bad. And while winning two-out-of-three ballgames isn’t a sweep, it’s still more than the other guys.