The end of the year poll of most trusted professions – those viewed most honest and ethical once again outpacing all others – places nurses first, members of congress last, the latter tied for untrustworthiness with telemarketers. Celebrities didn’t make the cut. Some of the possible reasons: ‘To avoid wrinkles, sleep on your back, rather […]
Letter: Hanging up the harp at thoughts of home
‘The back-eddies of the flowing river reflected our tears, the drooping willows – on which we hung our harps – matched our spirits,’ describes the Israeli captives in Babylon of ancient history as they thought of home. What is it about the fireside hearth of home, especially at this holiday time of year, that brings […]
Letter: “Where’s the Nativity?”
The two boys, ages 4 and 2, looked up at mom with cherub-like guileless faces. Clueless too.
My Monthly Reminder
‘Would you like your monthly credit card statement sent by regular mail, email, or we do have other reminders?’ 🙂
Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association to meet Dec. 6
The Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association will meet December 6 (and every first Thursday) at 6:30 P.M. at the Tillicum Community Center, 14916, Washington Ave. SW. The December 2018 TWNA newsletter can be read here. The board elections for the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association have been postponed until January; and do you have a New Year’s […]
Letter: Soon it’ll be time for New Year’s Resolutions
On the rare mornings now that the sun appears over the top of the hill, the edgings on the stairs – as seen from my desk surveillance camera where I sit, my hands cradling a cup of coffee in order to stay warm in the otherwise unheated office – become silver ribbons, horizontal icicles, shooting […]
Letter: It’s a good question – what are public officials for?
“The Town Council of Eatonville asked voters to provide direction with a thumbs up or down on retail pot sales,” writes the editorial board (eb) of the Tacoma News Tribune (TNT) in its November 28 edition.
Letter: This is a most difficult day in a most difficult time of year
And two days from now won’t be much better. You read about them in the news. Too often. Way too often.
Letter: Soon it’ll be Christmas. So why are we so glum?
Because we’re human and being human, no one is immune. Today it’s raining. Tomorrow it will rain again. And the day after that.