Submitted by Don Doman 148 years after the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad, the state of California officially recognized the efforts of the 12,000 Chinese who helped built it. Those workers followed the 40,000 Chinese who came to America during the “Gold Rush” days of the 1840s and 50s. California state Assembly member Evan Low […]
Cooling Off is Getting Hot in the Pacific Northwest
Submitted by Don Doman Recently, the Seattle Times business staff reported on the upswing on Seattle area rentals touting air conditioning to attract new renters. The Times writes, “As Seattle summers keep getting hotter and hotter, a once-unthinkable perk for renters here had become more commonplace: air conditioning.” Degrees of warmth vary little from the […]
Chinese Reconciliation Dinner Huge Success
Submitted by Don Doman The annual Chinese Reconciliation Project Foundation dinner was a huge success in both monies raised and people taking part in the festivities. Initial figures show two hundred attendees and nearly twice the revenue of previous events. The May 6th dinner held at the Ming Palace featured excellent Cantonese courses served family […]
Rising Country Star Jessica Lynne in Tacoma June 2
Submitted by Don Doman Sometimes authentic country music artists don’t grow up in what we would consider hotbeds of country music. Sometimes they grow up in Haslev, Denmark, the native town of current Tacoma resident, Jessica Lynne, a sensational and rising country star. Her latest release won the 2016 Audience Award at the Seattle Shorts […]
Westside Story – Dopey Free Speech
Most of you probably know by now that I am old school and am dead set against marijuana. On February 27, 2017, I published an article titled Westside Story – It’s A Wonderful Life which does a good job of removing all doubt regarding my position on dope.
‘Terp’ defies Trump; now seeks to serve America first-hand
Growing up in Afghanistan, Safi Zamir loved his country, but was troubled at the unrest. Children would play on the burnt-out rusting Russian tanks. Warlords maneuvered poppy farmers in increasingly more dangerous campaigns. Safi heard that Osama bin Laden struck out against the world’s largest superpower.
Book Signing at the SHMA Holiday Store
Are you in the right Christmas mood already? Or do you need a little boost? Whether you are or you do, the Holiday Store at the Steilacoom Historical Museum (1801 Rainier Street) will help you to enjoy the start of the Season even more with beautiful, nostalgic decoration items and gorgeous gift ideas.
Letter: Snowmen – and Satan Clubs – meltdowns
Frosty, our fondly dubbed Fairytale Facsimile, and the hottest thing since hell froze over: after school Satan Clubs for elementary students, have more than a broomstick or a pitchfork in common. This coming December 14th is the announced arrival of Satanists at Tacoma’s Point Defiance Elementary School, pre-empting Santa’s appearance to chimneys around the world […]
Westside Story – Guys & Dolls
Indeed, retirement is an adventure. Remember my sharing with you that I divided my life into three chapters? Chapter I – Business. Chapter II – Deputy Sheriff. Chapter III – The Arts. Recently while on the East Coast a long distance phone call brought a Chapter III opportunity my way. I was invited to join […]