City of Tacoma announcement. Grit City Trees is the City of Tacoma’s free street tree program. Applications for the 2022 season are now being accepted through Sunday, August 28, 2022. The goal of the program is to equitably increase Tacoma’s tree canopy while growing happy and healthy neighborhoods through community tree planting. Neighbors are encouraged […]
Open Council Seat application period closes July 7
City of Tacoma social media post. The open application period for the vacant Tacoma City Council At-Large Position 7 closes Thursday, July 7. For more details, qualifications, and how to apply, visit:
Writing Reviews is Sweeter than Kosher Wine
Sometimes writing reviews brings responses you don’t expect from readers and sometimes they bring a treasured comment and more. Publishing articles and comments in The Suburban Times reaches out much further than one would expect. One article about circumcision created a hot argument between someone in Australia vs. someone on the U.S. east coast. An […]
UPDATED: “Diamonds” Glitter at Chapter AY’s 100th Anniversary
Publisher’s Note: The following is being republished with updated and corrected information. By Peg Doman, Joan Curtis, and Co-President Lynn Riegal; photos by Dayton Knipher. Chapter AY was founded on June 15, 1922. On June 16, 2022, at the Tacoma Yacht Club, P.E.O. Washington Chapter AY celebrated the 100th Anniversary of our founding at the Tacoma […]
Tacoma Community College Wins Ragan Award for Pandemic Response Strategy
Tacoma Community College announcement. Tacoma Community College (TCC) was awarded a Ragan Crisis Communications Award in the Education/Academia category for its pandemic response strategy. The award cites TCC’s COVID-19 fact-based decision-making and comprehensive information sharing, including FAQs, a case-tracking dashboard, a COVID Task Force, and an online toolkit with flowcharts to help employees understand reopening protocols. “From […]
The Northwest Seaport Alliance’s sustainability actions recognized
Northwest Seaport Alliance announcement. For the sixth consecutive year, The Northwest Seaport Alliance has earned the distinction of being an Inbound Logistics’ Green Supply Chain Partner. This recognition highlights NWSA’s commitment to protecting the environment through proactive and collaborative partnerships with supply chain stakeholders and communities across the Puget Sound. The NWSA gateway has made significant […]
South Sound 911 launches online fireworks reporting for fireworks complaints
Sound Sound 911 announcement. Residents in Fife, Orting, Roy, Sumner, Tacoma, and University Place can report the illegal discharge of fireworks online at between 6 p.m. Friday, July 1 until 6 a.m. Tuesday, July 5. July 4 is the single busiest day for South Sound 911 call takers and dispatchers when call volumes are known to […]
Tacoma’s Summer Blast returns
City of Tacoma social media post. Tacoma’s 4th of July Summer Blast celebration is back! Join us starting at noon along Ruston Way for a free, family-friendly day of live music, food, entertainment & crafts vendors, culminating in a fireworks display over Commencement Bay at 10 pm.
THE INFINITE to extend it’s Tacoma run through September 5
Following an overwhelming positive reaction and continued support from the Tacoma community, THE INFINITE announced today its extension of the Seattle-Tacoma tour stop. The first and largest collective virtual reality experience, inspired by NASA, will continue to send guests into an out-of-this-world immersive space journey at the historic Tacoma Armory through Monday, Sept. 5 – before heading […]