Tacoma Public Utilities social media post. Around this time each year, we get this number, and not a year goes by we aren’t amazed by the generosity of our employees. In 2022, TPU employees contributed $255,682 in cash, product donation, and volunteer time for our community!
The Hatmaker’s Wife – a Story of Whimsy and Realized Love at Centerstage Review
Here is how Centerstage explains the play, The Hatmaker’s Wife: “Hetchman the retired hatmaker loves his hat – and his wife. When both go missing, he vows to find them. But first he needs to muster the strength to leave the comforts of his beloved armchair. The Hatmaker’s Wife is a surreal time-bending fable set […]
Public Hearing – Landmarks and Heritage Advisory Board
City of Lakewood announcement. The City of Lakewood Landmarks and Heritage Advisory Board will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, February 9, 2023 at 6:00 PM. The City of Lakewood Landmarks and Heritage Advisory Board has received an application requesting a type II certificate of appropriateness for the proposed interior/exterior work and 2nd story addition […]
Health Department monitoring Tacoma woman with tuberculosis
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department announcement. TACOMA, Wash.—Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department is monitoring a case of active tuberculosis (TB) in a woman in Tacoma. She has declined to take medication. We are working with her and her family to try to persuade her to get the treatment she needs to help cure the TB so she […]
The Secret of Success? Must be Lucky Man
A number of years ago, when Weyerhaeuser had their offices along I-5 close to Federal Way, I was hired to video tape a presentation followed by Q & A afterward of a visiting Japanese client. Logs were shipped from Weyerhaeuser to Japan and a vice president was in charge of the sales of those logs. […]
Black Art & Black Artist Exhibit Opens Feb. 21 in The Gallery at TCC
Tacoma Community College announcement. This February, Tacoma Community College (TCC), the Tacoma Urban League, The City of Tacoma, and the Pierce County Black Collective are proud to present a special exhibit showcasing Black art and Black artists in The Gallery at TCC. Featuring more than 15 regional artists, the exhibit explores themes related to Black […]
So many dishes from so many cultures all in one place
Asia Pacific Cultural Center announcement. APCC’s 25th Annual New Year Celebration. February 25, 2023, 11 am to 6 pm. Tacoma Dome Exhibition Hall. Mongolian food, Filipino food, Fijian food, Samoan food, and more! Come to our FREE Annual New Year Celebration and tantalize your taste buds with a variety of dishes from many different countries and […]
Spring Fair Photography Competition
Submitted by Debbie Klosowski. Display your images and compete for cash prizes and awards at the annual Tacoma Photographic Society Spring Fair Photography Competition held at the Washington State Fairgrounds in Puyallup on April 13-16 and 20-23. Any amateur photographer who derives less than 50% of their income from photography is eligible to enter. People can enter up […]
The Board of Health Feb. 1 Meeting Agenda
The Board of Health will hold a Regular Meeting on Feb. 1 (3-5 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.