Read the Town of Steilacoom Administrator’s November 22 report to the Town Council by clicking here.
Steilacoom Town Administrator November 17 Report to Council
Read the Town of Steilacoom Administrator’s November 17 report to the Town Council by clicking here.
Holiday Store at Steilacoom Museum
The annual holiday store at the Steilacoom Historical Museum opens Saturday, November 18 and will run weekends until December 10. Saturday hours will be 10:00 to 4:00 and Sunday hours will be noon until 4:00. The store will feature Christmas items such as advent calendars, ornaments, decorations and many gift items. There will be fine gifts, […]
Opportunities and Possibilities
Freedom to read, and freedom of speech, are often juxtaposed to censorship, plagiarism, copyright infringement, and other limiting systems to value creation. Dealing with these things in the community setting are often, and sometimes destructive. What is really involved is the different value systems of individuals in a community, trying to maintain some semblance of […]
Successful 5th Street Waterway Work Party
Submitted by Nancy Henderson, Steilacoom. Led by Project Leader Alex Chaney, yesterday morning 16 volunteers made quick work of reducing the huge pile of wood chips to just a memory. In one hour, the chips covering the cardboard along a portion of the 5th Street Waterway were increased to the desired 8 inches. The rain held […]
Steilacoom Daddy Daughter Dance seeks volunteers
Friends of the Steilacoom Daddy Daughter Dance are looking for a group of enthusiastic volunteer leaders who are interested in bringing back the Town of Steilacoom’s Daddy Daughter Dance. This annual tradition has been around for over 30 years. We are looking for folks to help with recruiting and leading a team of volunteers to […]
Perspectives on Surveys
It seems everyone has to have a survey. Sometimes websites now have surveys one has to take if you want to see what they are selling. If not a survey, they have a list of things for you to fill out. This is not a “paywall” like some newspapers and publications have, but in a […]
Steilacoom Town Administrator November 9 Report to Council
Read the Town of Steilacoom Administrator’s November 9 report to the Town Council by clicking here.
5th Street Waterway Work Party, November 12
Submitted by Nancy Henderson. STEILACOOM – Please join us this Sunday, 12 November, from 1000 to 1200 at the 5th Street Waterway at the intersection of the 4th Street Trail and Jackson Street to complete Phase 1 of the 5th Street Waterway restoration project. At our 29 October work party, we placed large, flattened boxes of cardboard along both sides […]