Submitted by Nancy Henderson. Three successful work parties in one week to spruce up our Town parks and pathways sets a new record for parks and trails volunteerism. Native roses along the 5th St Waterway, long hidden from view, were liberated from strangling blackberry vines by a determined group of volunteers on Monday, 13 May. […]
Steilacoom Town Administrator May 24 Report to Council
Read the Town of Steilacoom Administrator’s May 24 report to the Town Council by clicking here.
Letter: Books tell us our Issues
We’ve been taught to achieve, and sometimes, “at all costs.” We’ve been given examples of defeat, and have bought into the fact that we are not good enough. Having read “I’m OK, You’re OK”, we still have problems with being good enough. Business books tell us from titles, we have to have “High Visibility,” while […]
Steilacoom: Memorial Day Wreath Laying May 24
Submitted by Liz Grasher. Please join us at Steilacoom Town Hall (1717 Lafayette Street) on Friday, May 24 at 12:30pm for the laying of a Memorial Day Wreath in honor of U.S. Military Personnel who lost their lives while serving our country. A heartfelt thank you to the Steilacoom Garden Club for creating a Memorial […]
Steilacoom Town Administrator May 17 Report to Council
Read the Town of Steilacoom Administrator’s May 17 report to the Town Council by clicking here.
Sunnyside Beach Park and Parking Lot to Be Closed – May 15, 16, and 17
Sunnyside Beach Park and parking lot will be closed on Wednesday (5/15), Thursday (5/16), and Friday (5/17) to sealcoat the parking lot (weather permitting).
Steilacoom Town Administrator May 10 Report to Council
Read the Town of Steilacoom Administrator’s May 10 report to the Town Council by clicking here.
Coming Home: How the Nez Perce Tribe Regained Their Cultural Heritage. A presentation by Dr. Trevor Bond
Submitted by Lee Ann Ufford. The Friends of Steilacoom Library (FOSL) present Dr. Trevor Bond from Washington State University and his interesting discussion of how the Nez Perce reclaimed lost artifacts of their heritage. Hosted in the Steilacoom Historical Museum Association (SHMA) Building Education Room at 1801 Rainier Street in Steilacoom at 4:00 pm Saturday, […]
Effective Work Party May 5 at Farrell’s Marsh Park
Submitted by Nancy Henderson, Steilacoom. On Sunday, 5 May, a dozen hard-working volunteers including four students from Steilacoom High School spent a productive 2 hours removing mainly green alkanet, blackberry vines, thistles, and tansy ragwort from within and between the circular wire cages protecting the 75 trees planted in the fall of 2022. With the […]