Washington State Department of Transportation announcement. With Memorial Day just around the corner, now’s the time to make a travel plan for this traditionally busy travel weekend. For those who are traveling, consulting the Washington State Department of Transportation’s Memorial Day weekend traffic volume charts can help determine best times to travel on key routes, including times […]
Pierce County
Heat can trigger asthma symptoms. Be prepared as summer approaches
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department announcement. Remember when the temp hit 108 degrees last summer? Yikes. That wasn’t fun for anyone, but it was even worse for people with asthma. As climate change continues, you need to prepare for heat and smoke events — and sometimes both at the same time. If you have asthma, that […]
Kilmer Votes to Improve Families’ Access to Baby Formula
Office of Rep. Derek Kilmer announcement. On May 18, U.S. Representative Derek Kilmer (WA-06) voted in favor of two bills that aim to improve families’ access to infant formula, ensure every baby has the nutrition they need to live and develop, and prevent this crisis from potentially happening again. “As a dad, I know how […]
Can’t get vaccinated? Here’s another option to help protect you from COVID-19
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department announcement. Are you unable to get a COVID-19 vaccine because of medical reasons? A new drug brings hope, and we’re working to ensure this medication is easy to access for all who need it. In December 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized Evusheld, a medication that can prevent COVID-19. Another […]
Sound Transit seeking public feedback on proposed changes Title VI Policy
Sound Transit announcement. Sound Transit is seeking public comment on proposed updates to the agency’s Title VI policy. The Federal Transit Administration requires Sound Transit to ensure that any changes to our service, fares or location of facilities be done in a nondiscriminatory manner. Sound Transit must measure if the impacts of these changes disproportionately […]
County Shred Event on Saturday
Pierce County social media post. Our next shred event is scheduled for Saturday, May 21 at Sprinker Rec Center. Shred events are a great and sustainable way to dispose of documents containing sensitive information. Three shopping bags per person. Visit http://PierceCountyWa.gov/shred for more information.
The Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County is offering 20% Off All Adoption Fees May 20 – 22
Submitted by The Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County. Tacoma, WA – This weekend, Bounty Paper Towels is partnering with participating Best Friends Animal Society network partners to surprise new pet owners by helping to pick up adoption fees at shelters across the country. That includes the Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County, where […]
144th Street East Sewer Extension project to start May 31
Pierce County announcement. Pierce County will be installing new sewer pipes east of Canyon Road East between 144th Street East and 160th Street East. Construction is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, May 31. The new system will serve approximately 290 acres of Urban Growth Area that is currently not served by public sewer service. Expanding […]
Pierce County COVID-19 data update: Vaccinations
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department press release. Staying up to date with vaccinations helps limit the spread of COVID-19 and lessens the severity of the illness if you get it. Find your dose at tpchd.org/vaxtothefuture. If you’re unable to get a COVID-19 vaccine because of medical reasons, a new drug brings hope. Learn more in our blog. As […]