Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) May 24 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
Clover Park School Board to Host Board Meeting on May 28
LAKEWOOD, Wash. — The Clover Park School District (CPSD) Board of Directors will hold a regular meeting/workshop on Tuesday, May 28, at 5:30 p.m. in room 4 of the Student Services Center located at 10903 Gravelly Lake Dr. SW, Lakewood, WA 98499. The meeting will also be live-streamed on Zoom and YouTube. Individuals can attend online by visiting […]
Let’s Talk! – A Paper Bag Lunch
What comes to YOUR mind when you are reading this week’s prompt and invitation to switch off your phones and screens to ponder? Here’s what comes to mine. First and foremost, I never had paper bag lunches until I came to live in the U.S. My mother packed me second breakfasts for kindergarten and school, […]
“Springsteen on Broadway” Comes to Lakewood!
Submitted by Greg Rediske. Sort of. It’ll actually be at the Lakewood Playhouse, not in New York on Broadway. And Bruce Springsteen won’t be there. It’ll be better, because there will be FOUR musical performers, not just that one guy! And tickets won’t be $1000 or more, but a measly $50, which includes a Scotch […]
Letter: Kindness is Holding Hands
Every morning a husband and wife each enjoy a large cup of hot, black brew, coffee for him, tea for her. If you drive slowly enough and happen to glance in that direction, on a sunny day you’ll see them seated close together at the round table in the side yard. If it’s raining, they’ll […]
Jazz Night & Car Show
We’re kicking off our summer event season with a Jazz Night & Car Show Saturday, June 1, 2024 at Colonial Plaza on Motor Avenue. Join us from 4-7 p.m. for this free, family-friendly event. Enjoy live music with TPC Jazz from 4-5 p.m., followed by Michael Powers from 5:30-7 p.m. There will be food trucks, […]
Letter: Housing densities in Lakewood and a proposed tax incentive for multifamily housing
I’m way overdue on posting an update to an issue I raised here in April. Thanks for your patience. This has to do with the proposal to create financial incentives for developers to build apartments and condos in the pink spaces you see in the map. Here’s what’s going on: – A divided City Council […]
The Lakewood Elks Memorial Weekend Upscale Resale
Submitted by Ciara Musgrove, Lakewood Elks #2388. Huge Upscale Resale Memorial Day Weekend. Open to the public from 12 pm-5 pm, Friday and Saturday, May 24-25. Prices starting at $5. Designer Wear, shoes and hand bags. Home decor, jewelry, heels, shoes and boots! Men, women and children clothes. The Lakewood Elks #2388 is located at […]
Partners for Parks campaign tops $2 million in Community Support
LAKEWOOD — Partners for Parks is pleased to announce they have received a $350,000 capital grant from the Norcliffe Foundation. Partners for Parks is deeply grateful for this extraordinary grant and vote of confidence taking fundraising for the H-Barn Project at Fort Steilacoom Park to more than $2 million in gifts and multi-year pledges. […]