The smoke alarms screamed their warning throughout the Tillicum Baptist Church parsonage Monday, January 5th, and at 4 A.M. the family of Pastor Scott and Caressa Fennell were suddenly awakened to gather their bed clothes about them and rendezvous outside. The fire destroyed the garage, the heat of the flames burning the tires down to […]
Letter: Get (the) lost
I recently applied for a grant for 24 children in our community to play baseball this spring. Our goal is to field two teams this year to last year’s one. Twice as many uniforms; twice as many coaches; twice as much money; twice as many parents enjoying a season’s worth of heart-stopping action (as much […]
Letter: Outsourcing morality
Author – David Anderson Experts in robot ethics are studying “how to equip robots with a set of moral rules.” Robots have ethics? No, not yet, but “computer scientists are teaming up with philosophers, psychologists, linguists, lawyers, theologians and human rights experts in the emerging field of robot morality to try to change that” according […]
Letter: Street solutions
In the spirit of the “Late Show with David Letterman” and the episode “Top Ten Rejected James Bond Gadgets;” and Jason Russell’s (Jan.7, 2015) commentary in the Washington Examiner entitled “What you could have done while waiting for Obama to decide on Keystone,” here are three solutions the Lakewood City Council might have considered to Save Our Streets (SOS).
Letter: Spin Cycle
“Resources” in Lakewood have been “increased to preserve and maintain the City’s road system.” A more accurate, transparent, rubber-meets-the-road type vernacular (‘ordinary speech as opposed to a foreign language’) would read: ‘you, Lakewood’s resident and Lakewood’s “resource,” will pay $20 more a year to renew your car tabs starting now (Happy New Year) to help […]
Westside Story – Christmas 2015 Canceled
Do you remember the stories I shared with you titled Christmas Community Angels and Christmas Angels – 15th Year? Christmas Angel Joan Eisenhardt phoned me a few days after the giant Greater Lakes Mental Healthcare Holiday Gift Give-A-Way program to report on the results. She had amazing things to tell me, which means I have amazing things to tell you.
The first person in line at arrived at 1:00 a.m. the morning of Friday, December 12, 2014, for the scheduled 9:00 a.m. opening time. The second client arrived at 2:00 a.m. By 6:30 a.m. the line stretched around the building. They arrived by car, bus and on foot.
Letter: ‘Because we can’ is not good enough
When money is allocated for one purpose but then is used for another, is that legit? When members of the Lakewood Police Department (LPD), or, for that matter, board members of the Clover Park School District (CPSD), jet across the country to attend conferences – whether using grant funds or department funds, let alone buy […]
Westside Story – Christmas Angels – 15th Year
On March 5, 2014, I wrote a story titled, Westside Story – Community Christmas Angels.
The two women featured in my story have done it again. On December 12, 2014, The Friends and Family Holiday Give-A-Way was held. Christmas Angels, Joan Eisenhardt and Kathy Sweeney, volunteered for a solid year in their effort to create a joyous Christmas holiday for 500 low income Greater Lakes Mental Health Care clients who suffer from a variety of debilitating mental illness conditions. Greater Lakes, which must be considered a community asset, is located in the City of Lakewood at 9330 – 59th Av SW. T: 253-581-7020.
Westside Story – Grim Reaper – Part V
During Grim Reaper – Part IV (Link) we left off with the Grim Reaper bubbling with excitement as he held me in a headlock with my heart rate sinking to 19.
Somehow I managed to live through the night so the next morning they rolled me towards the operating room. As we drew near, the nurse instructed my wife to sit in the waiting area.